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After an eternity I am back with a new chapter! Life's been crazy the last few month, i missed writing a lot but wasn't able to do it at all. And actually I miss my old writing style. I hope I'll find back to it in future~
And now enjoy, I hope you like it even if it's short. Stay hydrated, be kind to yourself, I love you💙


Impatiently, Jisung looked at the digits on his phone screen. Why did time always run extra slow when he felt like dying because of hunger?

Ten more minutes. Ji, you can do it! The food is waiting for you!

His growling stomach earned him a side eye from Hyunjin.
“That was loud enough to be heard in the corridor, I swear”, the blonde whispered while their teacher summarized their homework for the next lesson. Jisung just shrugged and started packing his things. At least his stomach knew what it really wanted.
Unlike the boy himself.
Every thought, no matter where it started, ended up swirling around Minho and the mysterious organization like a flame drew the moths.
He needed to let out all these thoughts but there was only one person who actually knew what Jisung currently was dealing with. And this someone was waiting at the canteen of the science building for him and his friends.
Today was taco day at said place and Felix had invited them over since all of the boys were true taco lovers. Of course Jisung wouldn’t be able to talk to Felix about his thoughts with all of their friends and strangers around but the presence of the freckled boy would surely calm his nerves at least a bit.

Hyunjin and Jisung met with Changbin in front of the entry of the science building and continued their way together. Minho didn’t have class today, so there was no chance to accidentally cross paths with him.

The system had made sure to eliminate every single possibility of the two ex partners to meet. They even had adjusted their time tables and sent each of them a ton of rules, when they were not allowed to go to certain places etc, everything to avoid contact.
Needless to say that a part of Jisungs heart still hoped to catch a glimpse of the other boy at occasions like this.
But sadly that wouldn’t happen.

The canteen looked pretty much the same as the other two of the university, it was just highlighted with different colors. At one of the pastel green tables Felix waited for his friends, chatting with two other boys and a girl. Jisung assumed that they studied together but wasn’t sure if he had seen them around before. Yeah, memorizing faces wasn’t his best skill.

When the freckled boy recognized his friends his eyes lit up. “Finally! I was a little worried that we wouldn't get food anymore when you arrive, you sails.” 
“What the hell Felix, do I look like a slimy snail to you?” Hyunjins dramatic tone led to some heads turning in their direction.
“Yes. A beautiful one.” Everyone laughed, except Hyunjin.
“Anyways guys, these are Yua, Kiyoi and Intak. They all major in biology, Yua is in her second year already.” The three waved at the boys that stood in front of their table. Felix then pointed at his highschool friends. “And these are Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin. I’ve told you about them.”
“Only the good stuff, I hope?” Changbin sat down next to the boy named Kiyoi.
“Of course, only the best.”

Jisung has been right, he automatically felt more collected sitting across Felix and listening to him and Changbin bickering. But still, he really needed to talk to his best friend, in private. So he kicked the other’s leg under the table.

“Ouch!” Felix scrunched his nose in pain.
“I’ll go to the bathroom.” Jisung did his best to get his message across by raising his eyebrows and staring at his friend.
Come with me!

“O-oh, actually I need to go, too.”   
Felix followed his friend out of the canteen and upstairs to the janitor’s room. The janitor usually only stayed here until lunchtime so nobody would bother the boys in this small place.
Nonetheless Jisung stayed cautious after closing the door behind them. Not using more words than needed, not wanting to give anybody a reason to eavesdrop.

“I will go.”
Luckily the freckled boy instantly understood what his best friend meant. “For real? Like, you’ll definitely go?”
Jisung nodded. It was weird. He had decided to contact Y again this morning, before leaving for university and immediately got an answer back. Someone would come to pick him up as soon as his afternoon class ended. The boy also had decided to completely join the organization if everything would go right today.
The amount of different feelings in his stomach made him feel a little dizzy. He felt hot and cold at the same time, excited and nervous. He didn’t know what would come up to him at all if he really would choose this way. But he was willing to accept everything, if that would help him to get Minho back.

“But you’ll come back, right?”
“Of course. It’s like last time. And don’t worry, I’ll text you when I’m home.”
Felix exhaled loudly. “Okay. If you don’t text me I will tell Chan to beat you up.”
“You know that he would never.”
“Right. I’ll tell him to force you to go to the gym with him for two weeks straight.”
“Nooo! That would be the death of me!”
Felix only laughed at his whining friend.
He tried his best to hide it, but of course the boy was worried about Jisung again. Who would’ve thought that the nerdy, shy boy Felix had decided to adopt on his first day of high school would get into so much trouble?

After class Jisung followed the directions Y had sent him earlier. He carefully had written down everything on a small piece of paper since he didn’t really trust his phone anymore. What if the system really spied on him through it?

Not far from university he had to cross some backyards and even walked through a block of flats,  to finally end up in front of an old, rusty garage door. He entered the six-figure passcode as Y had told him and the door opened without any sound. Weird, considering its wrecked appearance Jisung would’ve sworn the door’s creaking noise would’ve alarmed the whole neighborhood.
Behind the gate, in a small driveway, a dark blue car waited, the engine turned off. The registration number matched the one he had written down in his notes. Imagine Jisung entering the wrong car - wouldn’t surprise him, but of course he wanted to avoid that scenario.

When the boy knocked on the passengers sides door and it got opened from the inside he expected to see Ys face, but-



Jisung closed the door behind him, immediately staring back at the features of the driver. He knew these features well. He had known them for more than four years now, to be exact. He knew how that face looked tired, concentrated, how it looked happy, even in grief.

"Is this a joke? Did Felix spill?"
"I knew you told him about it. But no, he didn't. Y sent me to pick you up."

Getting picked up by a familiar face really soothed Jisungs pulse. It has been high? Yes, the boy has been pretty nervous again, he still was a little. And he surely would always be when it was about getting back to Minho.
But how-

"Y? You really are one of them? How? Since when?"

The engine woke with a humming noise and the car started to move.
"For a while now. I joined after Yuna’s passing. If you want I can tell you the whole story at home, when we go back. You'll go back, right? "
"I think so? Nobody told me otherwise."
Confused, Jisung eyed the man behind the steering wheel. Go back? Was there an option of staying? There must be one, right? He thought of Minnie, of Steve and San. They surely didn’t live in the city like he did. At least Jisung couldn’t imagine.
Now he was curious.

"But why do you still live in our apartment, Chan?"

The man drove the car into another quiet side street.
"First things first, you know me as Chan, but from now on call me Fangs, please. We don't use our real names. Nobody does."

That nobody used their real names got noticed by Jisung. But Fangs? - okay.. he would ask Chan later what his name ment.

“Fangs. And since I work undercover, I usually stay in the city. Only if I get an order from Red, I leave to carry out the task.
“So, when you work overtime”, Jisung painted quotation marks with his fingers in the air, “you work for them?”
“That’s right.”

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