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I'm back with a new chapter^^ some people where confused about the side story without names but I promise that it will be important for the future^^ just accept it for now, maybe this is where we can find a bit of romance while minsung are still fighting for their own.
it's my birthday tomorrow and I had plans for tonight and tomorrow but well, everyone canceled, what a day~ guess who will have time to write another chapter for you guys tonight🤍 Please take care of yourselves, my angels

Fangs parked the car somewhere in an empty garage. “We have to walk a little, hope you don’t mind that.” Jisung followed his friend down some stairs from said garage into the basement. From here the two men walked through a tunnel system and entered an abandoned subway station. It wasn’t one of those which the system had decided to stop using in the last few years, this one has surely been out of use for decades.
Jisung just hoped that someone would bring him back later that day, he wouldn’t be able to find his way through this labyrinth system alone.

Somehow the friends ended up in the basement of the Zone. The younger boy recognized the door that hid the shooting range. Again, the sign on the door said ‘occupied’. Maybe it was San and Blue practicing again?
But the shooting range wasn’t his destination today.

He followed Fangs upstairs to the first floor. Noises of people laughing and chattering cutlery trailed from the big lounge to the stairs, Jisung could even smell something delicious in the air.
“Are you hungry?” Fangs had stopped on the stairhead and turned to his friend. The latter shook his head. “We had tacos in university today. I’m still pretty full.”
The elder didn’t need to know that he had barely managed to finish one taco and had given the rest to Changbin and Kiyoi.
They kept walking, away from the voices, further down the main corridor. Next to another stairwell Fangs stopped to talk to another guy who was sweeping the floor. In general it seemed like all the people here really cared about the Zone. The place was way cleaner than one would assume for an abandoned building.

“Is Red already back?” The guy shook his head, long blonde strands of wavy hair fell in his face while doing so.  Then he caught a glimpse of Jisung, who still waited behind his friend. “You are the newbie? Welcome!” His bright smile made the boy smile back. Something about him reminded Jisung of a puppy.
The blond guy checked his wristwatch before opening a door to their right. “Cap will be here any minute, you can wait inside if you want.”
The younger looked over to his companion, pleading with him to stay until Red would arrive. Fangs only patted his shoulder in a reassuring way. “You can manage, kid. I would wait with you but I have a lot to do today. I will come back later, then we can go home together, sounds good?”
Jisung nodded, what else should he do?
“Don’t think too much, Ji. Cap is a nice guy, I think you will like him. He is like a brother to me, I promise that he will take good care of you.” The elders dimples showed when he smiled at his intimidated friend. Fangs can be trusted. Yes, the younger would trust his friend with his life when it would come right down to it.

So Jisung hesitantly stepped into Red’s office.

The room looked more like the command bridge of a ship than an usual office. The walls were plastered with maps. City maps, country maps, maps of the drain system, construction plans of several buildings, train stations and a lot of stuff Jisung couldn’t identify. Some control desks were hidden under piles of paper, not in use anymore. On one wall a huge net of red strings connected photos, hand written notes and more maps with each other. To the viewer the lines didn’t make sense at all, every string of the web made the overall picture more confusing. When the boy moved to take a closer look, something else caught his attention. In the opposite of a giant desk a framed photo hung on the wall. It showed a boy, maybe in Jisung’s age. The picture was taken from the side, it looked more like a lucky shot than a planned picture. But it captured the man's beauty perfectly. The downing sun emphasized his flawless skin and made his dark eyes shine bright, intensified the sparkle in them. As if the boy was up to no good, ready to get up some mischief. A breeze blew some strands of jet black hair in his face, long enough that it could cover his eyes.
Maybe this was Red when he has been younger? Jisung knew absolutely nothing about the head of this organization.
The photograph has been taken outside, on a meadow with a forest in the background. It must have been captured outside the capital, big lawns like this didn’t exist here. And woods? You wouldn’t find many of them, either.
The boy in the picture wore a thin silver necklace. Was that a red gemstone on the pendant? Jisung took a step forward, to check.

STAY - Against The System | CHOSEN 2 (MINSUNG FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt