Chapter 5

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Austin's POV..............

I run to my house with a huge smile on my face, once I open the door I run up to my room and jump on my bed. "What a Day!!!!!" I say to myself and hug a pillow. Suddenly my mom walks into my room,

"Hey Pancake, How are you doing?" she asks while picking up my dirty clothes

"I'm great!" I reply "Mom?" I ask

"Yes sweetie?" she asks me

"When you met dad, how did you know you were in love with him?" I ask her

"Well when I first met your father I didn't know if I was in love with him, but when we started to go on more dates and then we finally had our first kiss, and that's when I knew that I was in love with your father." she replies

"But how did you know? What were you feeling?" I ask her again

"Every time I was around him my heart would race a mile a minute, My hands would get sweaty, I couldn't concentrate, and I would want to see him every day. Austin why are you asking me this?" she says

"Oh I'm just asking because we are learning about Romeo and Juliet......" I reply with nervousness in my voice

"Oh okay, dinner will be ready at 6 o'clock" she says

"Okay" I reply with a smile. When she's finished picking up my dirty clothes she leaves my room. I grab my guitar and play a few cords, then I get some words in my mind and write then down............

End of Austin's POV...............

Start of Ally's POV..................

Trish quickly walks up to me and starts squealing "Ally got's a boyfriend, Ally's got a boyfriend!" she sings

"Trish stop it!" I plead

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm No." she replies with a smirk "Ally you hit the total jackpot! Austin Is cute"

"I know right!" I reply with a huge smile "Not only is he cute, he's funny, and sweet, but there's a problem....."

"what is it?" she asks

"Austin's a Moon..." I reply

"He's a Moon?" she asks again

"Ya he is, is that a problem with you?" I ask her.........

End of Ally's POV...................

What will Trish say? Well I hope you like the story!

Auslly22 was HERE!!!!!!!

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