Chapter 11

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Austin's POV................

We walk out of the store and walk back to Dez's house, "Why do you need to hide your stuff here?" Dez asked stupidly, I give him a blank face

"Dez I love you man but were you dropped when you were a baby?" I question back, Dez walks closer to me 

"Actually yes, yes I was...." he answers while smiling

"Dez if I were you I wouldn't be smiling about that," I reply while patting his back "I need to hide them here because I can't have my parents find out that i'm going on a date with a Dawson..."

"Ohhhhh I get ya," he says and nods while opening up the door to his empty house "So how does she look like?" he asks

"She's a brunette with amber highlights, Short, beautiful, and sweet. If I had to choose against Ariana Grande or Her, I would choose Her. She has the kind of smile that if you saw her smile it would lighten up your day! And when we hold hands it's just like they fit perfectly together, Oh and when we kiss man! It's like I can kiss her for hours! She kind, and did I already tell you that she's beautiful? because If I did then I want to tell you again. When we hug I get this tingling feeling inside, Like we were meant to be." I respond lovingly, He looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Dude what's next marriage?"  he asks jokingly, I punch him softly on the arm and we walk up to his room. "Okay I have one hour to get dressed and go on a date with my girl, can you help me?" Dez asks me while putting his hands on my shoulders

"Sure buddy, I'll help ya" I grab his bag and hand it to him "Okay get dressed, fix your hair, and.......Um......." I look around the room and find cologne "And put this on" I finish and throw him the cologne. 30 minutes later he come's out looking camera ready 

"How do I look dude?" he questions nervously 

"You look great! Now go get your dream girl!" I answer while tugging him down stairs and pushing him out the door. 

"Wait but this is my hou-" before he could finish his sentience I closed the door. I run back up to Dez's room and look at myself in the mirror 

"Ugh I'm not good enough for her! She's too Beautiful to be seen with me!" I walk to the other side of Dez's room and pick up a pair of weights. "Maybe If I work out more I will be good enough for her....." I reply while working on my body......................

End of Austin's POV..........................

I hope you like the story!!!!!!

Auslly22 was here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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