Chapter 16

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Ally's POV............

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and slowly rubbed my temples, making sure that I was waking up from the nap. Once I was wide awake, I grabbed my duffle bag that was filled with clothes and changed into a new outfit. I did my hair inside the stores restroom and put on my name tag for work. By the time that it was 7:50 I grabbed the store keys from my pocket and opened the doors. When the clock hit 8 people started to walk into the store. While people were walking inside I knowledged a suspicious man that was covered in black walk in. He started looking around the store for someone, once his eyes met mine I instantly knew who it was "Austin?" I ask out of shock "What are u doing here?" He looks at me with loving eyes

"I needed to see you, I don't care if I get caught being here with you......" he interwind our hands and brought it close to him lips to kiss the top of my hand. We smiled at each other and admired each other's company. Suddenly I here my father's voice,

" Ally?" I look at Austin again

"Austin I love that you came to see me but I don't want you to get caught, hurry home before my dad see's you...." he nods his head in understandment

"Before I go all I ask is a kiss...." I look at him with loving eyes, Smiled, and kissed him on the lips. We pull away, lean our heads against each other, and smile

"Ally?" I hear from my dad again, I look at Austin and kiss him one more time

"Go before you get caught..." after that he runs out of the store and my dad finally finds me.

"There you are Ally, I was looking for you. Just wanted to know if you were here but never mind, get back to work....." my dad walks away and I hear a buzzing sound from my pocket. I look at it and see that I've gotten a message from Austin

Austin: When will we met again?

Ally: Tonight 9:00, at Sonic Boom...

Austin: Great, can't wait to see you my love...

I smile at the message and quickly go back to work....

End of Ally's POV......
I hope you like the story!!!

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