Chapter 12

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Austin's POV.............

I put down the weights and look at the time it's 6, my eyes widen and I run into Dez's bathroom. I grab a comb, gel, cologne, my clothes that I got for tonight's date, and some breath mint's, What? I don't want my mouth to stink on our first date. I quickly take a shower and change into my clothing, I look at myself one more time before I put on a hoodie and walked out of Dez's house. I got in my car and drove off to Sonic Boom, got out of my car, waited out side of the store, and called Ally's cell phone. "Hello?" She asked on the phone

"Guess who?" I say sounding mysterious 

"Is it the cute blonde boy that I met yesterday?" she questioned, I could feel her smile through the phone,

"That's me, I'm waiting out side for you..." I answer while smiling at the same time 

"Great, I'm coming right now, What are you wearing?" she asks 

"A black hoodie........" she see's me and walks to me "Shall we go my lady?" I ask while grabbing her hand

"Yes I am" she says excitingly. I chuckle at her excitement and walk her to the car, 

"Your ride my dear....." I answer while opening the door for her

"Thank you....." she replies and gets in the car, I get in the drivers seat and drive to our restaurant that's at least 30 minutes away, Why so far? you may ask, well we don't want our parents to find out that we are together so I was thinking that we should go somewhere more private then social. When we got to our restaurant we got out and I took off my hoodie, "Finally it's so nice to see your face again!" she responds with a smile, I laugh at her goofiness and walk her inside the restaurant, once we walked in a lady came up to us 

"Hello my name is Allen, what are your reservations for this evening?" she questions

"Reservations for Austin Moon..." I reply 

"Right this way Mr.Moon" I hold Ally's tiny hand in mine and we walk to our private table. The waiters bring our food and ask us if we needed anything else, We answered with a simple no and got back to our date.....................

End of Austin's POV........................

I hope you like the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Auslly22 was HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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