Chapter 10

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Austin's POV...........

Dez and I leave his house and go to the mall, "So what are you going to wear for tonight?" Dez questions him curiously, 

"I don't know, but that's why we're her" I reply happily. We walk into a store and start looking around, Suddenly Dez look's at me with a huge smile. He walk's up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder

"Thank you for waking me up and making me come to the mall to find you something to wear for your date...." he says 

"Why are you thanking me? You were trying so hard to get out of it," I reply but then my eyes land on a red head that was walking towards Dez. The red head taps on his shoulder and Dez quickly turns around.

"Oh hey Cat!" Dez replies excitingly, So let me tell you about Cat and Dez. They both like each other but don't know it, I've known Dez for more than 6 years, Every time he would talk to me it would be like 90% about Cat and 10% about anything else. I mean this guy is in love with this girl! I look at the two red heads and see that they both want some alone time, so I walk next to Dez and say

"Oh, Your welcome!" I walk away and look at some more clothes but still ease drop on their conversation. 

"So um Dez would you like to get a smoothie later?" Cat questions with hop in her voice

"Ya I would love too!" Dez replies excitingly, probably too excitingly because Cat started to giggle at my goofy friend

"Great! I'll see you in 2 hours?" she questions again while smiling

"Ya see you then, I'll be picking you up my lady." Dez answers while bowing in her honor. As soon an Cat leaves I go up to Dez 

"So I'm guessing we need to look for something for your date huh?" I ask while smirking

"Ya" we walk back to the clothes we were looking at and try to find some clothes for our dates..................

End of Austin's POV...............

I hope you like the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Auslly22 was here!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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