The meet... (part 2)

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We then turned around to see a weird looking house or should I even call it a house as it looks almost like it's decomposing right in front of me. We then walked into it and the smell then hit me...
It was awful as it smelt almost like days rotten corpse which had been sat in milk.

"Bad Im going to be sick. Can we just leave it or go to another house..."
I said holding my mouth.
Bad then looked at me in disbelief.
"No this is the exact house we need to be in. Stop complaining and let's go"

We then walked more and more into the house and the smell just started getting worse and worse.
I then started feeling a bit uneasy and walked around the corner only to feel really weird and dizzy.
I then went to look back at Bad and he stood there with a needle in his hand and two others at his side and then everything went black....

(OMG! Another one in the same day!!! Must be your lucky day!! 😍🫢)

The Hero and Villains. (Preamnap story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt