The beginning... (part 3)

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Sapnap POV
I slowly then started to feel and see my surroundings again only to feel chained to a pole on a concrete floor. I then have that feeling that someone or something is staring at me so I try to gain my vision back again only to see darkness surround me. I then focused even harder with my eyes only to see a person standing on the opposite side to were I was, it looked like he had a mask on but oddly enough there was a creepy looking printed smile which was in the middle of it which sent shivers down my spine. I then went to call out but something was restricting my access to talk then it clicked in my brain...
He had stabbed me with some sort of needle thing making my vision go black.
What did he stick in me.. I questioned and why was he working with the villains.
I was then broken out of my thoughts by the creepy looking person approaching me slowly.

He stopped right in front of me and I guessed that he was looking at me.
He then bent down to were I was and put his gloved up hands onto my face.

"Hey there Sapnap" the creepy masked person said to me in quite a deep voice which startled me.
I then tried to talk but all that came out was mumbles and soon enough the person started talking again.
"Don't worry my love. This is just temporary whilst I figure out how to get you to trust me. I'm sure you will come round. Wont you."
The creepy masked person then giggled and stood up again heading towards what looked like the door.
He turned round again before he unlocked the door and said.
"If you be a good boy maybe I'll get you something to eat and drink. Yeah does that sound nice." I then slowly nodded my head and he did a happy hum and unlocked the door before walking out and leaving me to my own thoughts.

It then gave me time to process what had just happened. As questions started to come to my mind like.
Why did he call me 'my love' and stuff like that.
I have never see this man in my life why is he acting like he's known me like his lover...
I was so confused on what was going on and it was to much for my brain as my head started to hurt again.
This pounding in my head wouldn't go away it just kept getting worse and worse. I then felt like I need to go to sleep again so I started to close my eyes again and like that I was right back to sleep again...

(My my this is quite the long chapter for me aye. Damn I just love this story honestly I probably will make more as I love how thrilling this story is!!! My fav story I've wrote so far and I might make more in the future who knows 🫢✨ anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and are having a great day/night love you all make sure to eat and drink :D I'll try and post more but in the next coming weeks I've got exams so we shall see!! ❤️❤️)

The Hero and Villains. (Preamnap story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt