The problem. (Part 5)

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[hours later]
(Sapnap POV)

It had been a few hours since they had punished me...
I should have never asked for food.
Now I'm sat in a dark cold basement and in pain.
I'm guessing your wondering what they did....
There not as nice as you would think they are.
Bad was meant to be my best bud but I guess they have him rapped around there finger.

I tried muffling my crying but it was so hard cause I was in so much pain from where they had took the baseball and hit me with it. My stomach was in agony so much that it was getting hard to breathe and even think all I wanted was a bit of food cause I was starving but I guess that was my wake up call to stop eating...
I mean I guess the people where right about being fat.
I should have stopped eating right then and there cause now I just really hate myself for eating anything.
Why do I have to be so fat...
I hate how chubby I am and how I can just pull at my skin and have big flaps which even my hand can't manage to hold.
In this minute everything I hated about myself was just swirling around in my brain and it took my mind off how much pain I was in.
I felt so numb.

I could feel drips of ruby red liquid making it way down my face.
I had never been the first pick when it came to anything.
My old friend Clay left me on my own whilst he found a beautiful brunette boy and went off with him to succeed in the hero agency. I miss him. Everyday. That's one of the reasons I just can't leave the agency. Because I promised that one day we would be able to both be hero's and save the day from villains.
But I guess that life just hates to see people succeed in life. Just makes everything miserable and agonising for me.

My thoughts then got disrupted with someone opening the heavy metal door.
My head was so fuzzy I only noticed it from the loud sound otherwise I wouldn't have known.
The person kneeled down next to me and lifted my head up.

They sighed at me.
"Sapnap, Sapnap, Sapnap. What are we going to do with you."
I just looked up the best I could with tears in my eyes.
"Awww poor baby. Do you need some help." They did mimicking me like I was a child so delicate. But then just laughed in my face and threw my head down with no care.
That's when I cried out. At that point my head was now pulsing. The person standing there just looked at me with no remorse. That's when I realised that this person wasn't anyone I had seen yet and that this person had a different mask but knew my name.

That's when the heavy door slammed open again with 2 other people who walked in and stood by me.
"Wow Sapnap. Your quite the popular person nowadays huh." The person who I believed was that Punz guy said.
As I tried to turn my face away from him and the others I couldn't because of how painful it was.
"Get use to this cause you're not getting out anytime soon." The new person lifted my face up when saying that.
I just wanted to die right in that second. I just wanted to feel some type of peace once in my life.
Why could I never be happy. It's like the whole universe is always against me somehow.

(Omg guess who... Okay RIGHT I know I said that I was going to post but honestly I forgot all about this story by the time all of my exams was done. ANYWAY I made you some content 😊🫵. YOUR WELCOME! Also thanks for coming back if you are semi reading this cause I haven't posted in like months 😭😭. Love ya all!)

The Hero and Villains. (Preamnap story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें