Chapter 51

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A/N: Good god we're already on chapter 51... I need more hobbies. Anywho, thanks for reading this far, that is 150 chapters so far, and only God knows how many more.

Having our friends so close helped to keep my mind off of everything that was happening and it made it easier to cope. Chris had us playing games in the living room and we were all having a good time laughing together. "This is why I don't play board games with Cas, 'cause she cheats." Jade declared

"I do not cheat. It's not cheating just because I always beat you, it's just called being smarter than you." I teased

"I don't know, you figured that out a little too fast. Did Chris show you his cards and his little sheet?" Sebastian said, coming to Jade's defense

"What kind of a person do you think I am? Of course, I didn't show her them but that doesn't mean she didn't see them." Chris laughed

"Hey, you're supposed to take my side since your my husband."

"No can do baby, if you cheated I won't go down for your crimes."

"It's a game of Clue, not a bank heist and I think since I'm growing your son that you should always take my side, even if I did want to rob a bank. It's the principle of the thing."

"She's right, you are both now obligated to take our sides in any situation." Jade defended me

"Woah, woah, woah. So does that mean you two have to take our two sides in any situation?" Seb asked

"Of course not, we grow the children and we do as we please," she explained

"Alright well Cassie, you're my wife so I think the standard is different."

"This is true, what if I take your side at least 50% of the time? Does that make you feel a little better and since you two are still engaged maybe give him like 25% of the time." 

"I'd love it if we could aim for 75 percent," Chris told me with a smile

"Ugh, 66.666 percent. Final offer."


"It's nice to see you two so happy again." Sebastian told us with a smile

"I have to say, it's a little surprising that you'd say that." Chris countered

"Please don't fight." I begged them both

"We won't." Seb assured me "All I ever wanted was for Cas to be happy and for a long time, I fought for that to be with you. I didn't date her to spite anyone, it was a hard decision we almost didn't make to save you. Now we've both moved on and we're happy. You two got married and in a few months, you'll have a son together and now we're engaged and will have a baby a few months later. I'm happy that you're both happy and I'm happy. We don't have to be weird about it or make it awkward. Who cares if I've fucked your wife?"

"Seb." Jade groaned

"I said don't fight, not start a fight."

"Alright, I think the only way to make this less awkward is for me to sleep with your fiance." Chris offered with a smirk that earned him a smack on the shoulder from me

"You're not funny."

"Who said I was joking? Come on Jade, it's our turn."

He reached his hand to Jade and she took it with a laugh while Seb rolled his eyes. "They're not really gonna?" He asked

"No, he knows better to do that without your permission."

"My permission?"

"Well, that and without me present."

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