Chapter 93

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I woke up to the sound of Theo crying and the clear smell of poop which made me immediately sit up and pull away from Chris and Theo. "Good god." I groaned

"I'll get it, just go back to sleep." Chris told me

I laid down the other way with my head on Dodger and just snuggled with him but I couldn't fall back asleep with Theo still crying so I decided to get up. When I got to them Chris was trying to bounce Theo to calm him down but it wasn't working. "Does he have diaper rash?" I asked

"He's a little irritated but I cleaned him and put the cream on. I think he just needs his mama honestly."

"Maybe, let me try."

I took Theo from him but nothing I did seemed to be helping even after I tried to feed him. At this point, we were probably disturbing everyone else in the house and Jade was definitely awake by now. There was a knock on the door and I turned to see Joanie standing in the doorway. "Can I help at all?"

"I think we're okay, thank you though," Chris answered

"Okay, I thought I would just offer. Sometimes it just takes handing them to someone else and they magically quiet down. Does he have colic?"

"No, at least not that we know about. He doesn't usually just cry like this and I don't know what to do for him." I told her

"Sometimes they just cry to cry or maybe he scratched himself. Have you trimmed his nails yet?"

"No, I didn't even think about that. I think my mom did it shortly after we brought him home but I hadn't given it much thought." Chris chimed in

I checked his fingernails and they were pretty long but I knew he was not going to let me do it right now while he was upset and flailing a little. "You're probably right, they need to be trimmed. Thank you." 

"Of course, he's precious by the way even when he's screaming his head off." she laughed

I thought about it for a second then sighed and turned to her. "Would you like to try your hand at calming him down?" 

"Like hold him?"


"I would love to."

I gently handed him to her and I immediately noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. He quieted quickly with her bouncing him gently and slaying ever so slightly. "Hi little Theo, you are just the most precious baby I've ever seen. You're going to do great things in this world, I already know it. You've got two talented, intelligent and loving parents, you'll be set no matter what you do."

Chris had wrapped his arms around me from behind as she spoke to him and I appreciated it more than he knows. Tears were welling up in my eyes now too because I know she's looking at her first and only grandchild but she's not allowed to call him that. How can I take the opportunity to be his grandmother from her when I know my kids will be her only ones? But at the same time how can I make the woman who raised me share it? Will Theo understand why he has three grandmas later in life? I could feel myself getting worked up and I knew Chris could feel the difference in my breathing because he was kissing my head and softly telling me it would be okay. Theo fell asleep quickly in her arms so she set him in his crib and turned back to me. "Cassie, what wrong?" Chris asked softly

"I did not mean to upset you Cas, I'm sorry. Your mum told me not to come up here and I did anyway and now I've upset you again. I'll go."

"No, don't."


We stood there staring at each other for a long moment before I burst into tears and practically ran into her arms. "I'm sorry." I sobbed

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