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Aria was sixteen at the time, and Mia was only six. 

Mia saw Aria as more than an older sister. Aria was her role model. She was the future that Mia moved toward. Even though their parents loved them with all of their hearts, the struggle to provide basic necessities in today's economy kept them trapped in a loop of jobs, stealing the precious time that they could spend with their beloved daughters. But the girls tried not to let it bother them. They kept themselves occupied and did their best to be grateful for all the good that they had. 

However, on a chilly autumn night, their peaceful life came to an end. Mia didn't see much of it, but what she had would forever remain engraved in her mind. The ear splitting scream of her mother as the gunshot pierced her father before finally turning to her, taking away the lives of both her parents. The sight of her sister, her hero, running forth and attacking the murderer as he attempted to kill the little girl who stood hazily and stunned at the bottom of the staircase. 

The two tackled each other until somehow, with a little luck, he was knocked out. Police sirens filled the empty silence, Aria approached her sister and wrapped her in a hug, whispering into her ear, "I promise I'll find you again, I promise." 

The sirens grew louder, "When I let go, run! Run far away!"

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