Chapter 6

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The two stood outside the hospital, each unsure what to do next.

Mia was feeling uneasy. The thought of that man, a man who brutally murdered her parents causing her entire life to fall apart, breaking out of prison with the police having no clue where he is, was causing her anxiety to build up again. She could feel her heartbeat gradually increasing the longer she stood still. In her method of coping she starting fidgeting with her fingers and biting her nails.

Leo looked at his watch again; 23:38 p.m. He wanted to go straight home but he didn't like the thought of leaving Mia alone. He could see that she wasn't feeling all better. Earlier on, she looked confident, calm and collected. The girl standing next to him now looked so exhausted and shaken that she may just break at any moment.

He remebered from when she was filling in her form; her parents were both desceased and the address she had filled in was actually a building that didn't have any tenants for the past 8 months. Suddenly, Leo had an idea.

"Hey, are you going anywhere right now?" he asked Mia.

"Um," Mia didn't want him to know that she was planning on leaving the city, "no, I'll just be heading home." Dammit, what if he asks to walk me home? I'm too exhausted to think straight.

"I see. Well before you head home could you just come with me somewhere, please?" Leo held his breath.

To Mia's surprise, she thoughtlessly answeared, "Sure."

"Great!" Leo hadn't expected her to agree. "Com'on."

The streets were a little quiter than usual but, it was nice. The stillness of the night helped Mia to calm down. As they walked, Lucas barely even said a word, but Mia liked that.

People who tried so hard to make small talk made her feel uncomfotable. For her sitting in an hour of silence sounded far more appealing. I wonder if he thinks the same. Mia thought about the events of the night, how careless was she for causing a scene right out in public. She will have to try much harder to manage herself next time; if there is a next time.

"I'm sorry Leo. About tonight."

"What about tonight?"

"Well, I mean, I caused so many problems for you. I probably embarrased you with my episode earlier. And then the accident, what if you got hurt? And the hospital bill and - "

"Just stop already." he haulted in his steps and turned to her, "You have nothing to apologise for. Something happened to you that was out of your control. You look like you have been through a lot tonight so stop beating yourself up and making yourself feel worse." Leo quickly covered his mouth. I said too much. I overstepped my bounds. It's not my place to lecture her.

Mia didn't know what to say; she just froze, staring at the ground as memories came flooding back.

She was 8. While playing tag in the house she accidently bumped into her foster father's biological child, who then tripped over and hit their head. The sound of his voice lingered in her mind, "If you were there when it happened, then you are wrong. Apologise, it's always your fault."

That memory was painted over by Leo's words. Although she couldn't explain why, she felt a slight sense of relief.

She looked up at Leo, who was waiting for her to take off with him, tell him he didn't know better but, instead she nodded, "I'm sorry. I'll try not to do that again."

"Oh, well um, okay. Good." Leo remembered why he came here. "Could you just wait here for a little bit, please?"

"Yeah, I guess. But wh -" Leo quickly ran off before she had a chance to finish speak. Mia sat down on a nearby bench that overlooked the river which ran through the city and patiently waited for him to come back. She wasn't familiar with the area and there was not a soul in sight. If that punk ditched me, he'll regret it.

After a few minutes she saw Leo suddenly appear again. He was carrying something. As he got closer she realised what he was doing. He sat down next to her on the bench and handed her a glazed doughnut with a candle mounted in it.

He then pulled out a party popper and said, "Happy birthday." A small yet colourful blast of confetti showered over her. "Go ahead, blow it out." he gestured at the candle.

Mia took a breath and gently blew it out. She felt something that she hadn't in a very long time; happiness.

"And just in time too." Leo pointed at his watch, it was exactly midnight.

"How did you know that it was my birthday?"

"I'm not dumb. I obviously noticed by how you grew two inches in the last hour."

"Huh?" Mia didn't understand what he said but she couldn't help laughing.

"Ugh, that sounded way stupider than I thought it would." Leo covered his face feeling embarrassed. "I noticed it when you were filling out your form at the hospital."

"Hey, that's supposed to be private." Mia gazed up at the night sky. The stars were hidden by the haziness of the city lights but the bold, moon shined through, "But, thank you. I really appreciate what you did." I guess I'm not alone for my birthday this year.

Leo leaned back and looked up at the sky, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is." Mia continued to stare at it, mesmorized by it's beauty.

It was the middle of the night but the atmosphere felt very much awake and alive. Sitting on that bench, nibbling on a glazed doughnut while she and Leo debated about whether books should be digitised or not (Mia was personally a loyal bibliophile) and simply living in that moment made Mia feel the happiest she ever had been.

If only this moment could last forever. If only... Mia thought about what would happen if she left the city. Where would I even go? Is leaving really the answer? I need to get away before Leo gets involved. Will I ever see Leo again? Wait, why am I even asking myself that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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