Chapter 1

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Education, it was commonly known as having sufficient knowledge to pass through a specific system. But Mia defined it as something else. She hadn't attended school, not at all, for the past ten years. But she could navigate herself in an unfamiliar area. She could bargain wisely for food and goods. She knew how to trick someone before they could trick her. She wasn't ever naive, she knew how to make a fire from using only oil and 2 stones, she could cook a meal with whatever scraps she could find, she knew how to win any hand to hand combat, how to perform first aid and so much more.

To her, she considered herself to have a degree in survival, the only degree she ever needed. And with all of these skills she had honed to, she spent every day in search of someone she had once lost. All she had to refer to was a foggy memory and a fading picture. She had made it this far, and she was not willing to give up any time soon. After all, would it even be fair to her savior if she just sat and waited to be found?

The city lights filled the atmosphere making it radiate light pollution. From where she was, the crowds of people appeared as swarms of mindless insects navigating through the intricate pathways. The air was thin and crisp, she was surrounded by pure darkness that seemed to mock her loneliness. However, the metal bench felt comfy as she had slept countless nights on similar ones. 

Mia could be a part of a family, but that meant turning herself in to the orphanages that were hunting her down. She would become trapped in a life that didn't benefit her. She much rather carry on being an urban nomad. At least this way she can continue her life's work without being pestered by nosy people.

She closed her eyes and remembered that night. The yellow tape invaded their personal space. Blood soaked the fluffy rug which she once napped on. White sheets spread over her parents lifeless bodies. An officer yelling into the buzzing air, "Who's child is this? She shouldn't be here."

She felt her stomach knot and instantly realized why she was told to run. 

She regretted circling back.

Her sister had disappeared. The murderer was caught and imprisoned. The case was closed and never spoken off again.

That vicious man was her only lead, but he was sealed away from the public. He was the last person to see her sister; after their parents death but before the police had arrived, that was the moment when she disappeared.

Her watch beeped. It was 9 p.m, local news would be airing soon. She trekked down the hill and merged with the crowd, moving towards the TV store, gapping through the crowd. She stood and watched as the news reporter briefly explained each headline, holding her breath.


No signal, secret message, sign of life or death. Absolutely nothing that could possibly lead her to Aria. 

She walked away with disappointment as usual. Her polaroid was fading with each passing day, and her memories felt like they were withering even faster. What would Aria even look like now? Would she be able to recognise her? Would Aria even want to see her? She shook her head. There had to be a way. If she couldn't find one, she would make one. She glimpsed at the date displayed on the bottom left. March 14th. She laughed only realizing now that it was her birthday.

"Hehe, happy eighteenth me!" In the spur of the moment she looked around hoping somebody, anybody would be there for her but, as usual, there was no one. "I guess." She sighed and her stomach grumbled at it's loudest. She made her way to the suburbs and walked into a local convenience store.

Btw, does anyone have any ideas on a title for this piece?*

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