Chapter 4

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She had shruken down and wrapped herself into a ball, her entire body vibrating and trembling, yet she couldn't move, as if she was frozen.

She felt trapped in a box. Her mind was shouting at her.

You stupid, careless girl! You were too late. He's out now and you're not prepared. He's gonna get you next! You'll never see her again!

She was just there. No strenght or power to even speak.

She has lost all control.

The harsh words struck her like a splitting headache. She wanted to run. "When I let go, run! Run far away!"

People on the street were starting to stare. Some were even idiotic enough to take out their cellphones and record her mental breakdown.

She wanted to run, she desperately tried. The harder she forced her legs to move the heavier they felt. Her head suddenly felt heavy and her mind when blank.

He knelt next to her, trying to calm her down but it was no use, "Hey, stop videoing!" he tried to get the crowd to leave her alone but people began circling closer to her.

She couldn't bear it any longer. Her body moved without instruction and she sprinted onto the road. Just before she could register, the bright headlights of an oncoming car struck her eyes. It was too late.

By the time he got there she was already hit. He hurriedly called for an ambulance and soon they were on their way to the hospital. He couldn't help but think, What have I gotten myself into?


He was 18 years old. Between school and working part time jobs to pay for university, he didn't have much time for socialising. Or better yet, that was his excuse for not socialising.

The truth is, he didn't really feel dazzled by the thought of spending your personal time trying to connect with someone who you'll probably never get close to. He found people fasinating, and not in the way you're thinking. He was baffeled by their outspoken behaviour, their ability to meaninglessly mingle with people just to get closer to them left him pondering.

For him, those interactions always felt empty, just like promises. His proof was that the moment he moved away from the town where he had grown up, all of those childhood friends and promises of "friends forever" died. He had waited, and waited, for years, and there was never contact from any of them again. And just those friends. Friends who promised to be there for him disappeared when life got tough. Mentors who he had trusted with his problems gossiped about his pain like it was a joke.

He felt so naive for believing them. And then his mum broke her promise. She said she'd never leave him alone. Well, it's been 7 years since she walked out of the house and never returned. His dad never even bothered to directly tell him. Everytime he asked about his mum, his dad would violently break out, and soon he learnt his lesson: don't talk about mum.

After avoiding any complex human interactions for years, here he was, in the hospital, waiting for a random girl who just had a panic attack, got into an accident and had no one else with her.

A nurse approached him, handing him some paper work. "It's not that serious. Just some bruises and a mild wrist sprain. She'll be discharged once she's awake. Please fill this out sir."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Um, I don't know her, Ma'am. Could you just give it to her to fill out once she's awake? I should leave now." he checked the time, it was 22:13 p.m. He made his way to the exit, holding back the urge to stay. He wanted to stay, to see if she was alright, to see what really happened to her. But he was scared of what could happen if he did stay. He had to keep his distance.

As he walked silently through the busy streets he prepared his mind to forget, once again.

Forget the laughs.

Forget your peace.

Forget your happiness.

Forget her smile.

Forget her.



Forge -

"How could you leave me!" a voice screamed from the distance. He turned and saw her standing out from the crowd. Her hair was a mess and her hospital gown was ruffled.

His eyes widened. Why would she do something like that, now of all times.

No, she needs you now. Go, help her!

He immediately abandoned his pathetic self and ran towards her, grasping her shoulders, "You need to get back to the hospital right now!"

"How could you," she chocked back tears, "Y - you can't leave me alone! I have no one!" Mia burst into tears.

"I'm not gonna leave you, okay? Not until you're better, I - I -" he tried to stop shaking.

"I promise..."

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