Chapter 3

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The mood felt awkward. Mia was on her way back to the convinience store which she had stolen from in order to apologise and she was being acompanied by one of their employees.

Well, I can cross this off the list of things that I never thought would happen but did.

They finally arrived back at the store and just in time too. The old man was about to leave. He noticed Mia walking towards him. She humbly approached him and apologised, "I'm so sorry about earlier, Sir. It was wrong of me."

The old man was short and fat with a scrunched up face, but he smiled brightly at her saying, "I really don't know what you're talking about Miss but, I'm glad you learned from your mistake. Have a good night!" He waved goodbye and walked away.

Mia scratched her head, did he really not remember? The other guy stepped foward and spoke, "Sorry about that. Mr. Roberts was diagnosed with alzhemiers a few months ago. You shouldn't have wasted your time coming back."

Mia relaxed her body, "It's okay. Even if he doesn't remember, I'll still know about it. How is that fair? I still have to take responsibility for my actions."

He tilted his head and hunched to her height, his eyes carefully examining her. She immediately put her guard back up, but he grinned like a little boy, "You're different."

At that moment, the worst possible thing happened, her stomach began growling once more. How embarrassing!

"Com'on, follow me. There's a café just up the road." he said.

"What?" she wasn't about to go to a cafe with a stranger, "I'm not going anywhere with you. Goodbye."

"The food's good and I'm paying. You're hungry, right? The last thing I need to see is that you went off and stole from somewhere else -"

"Okay, fine. But you better pay!" She didn't like getting involved with people but something like free food didn't come around often.

"Done. Let's go."

Mia was about to go but she suddenly remembered, "Hold on, didn't you say you came back for something?"

"Oh, my bad, I actually had it with me all along."


The café was small and cozy. The aroma of fries filled the air. The tables were dressed with checkered red and white table cloths. Mia took a seat at a table in the far corner. He followed her and pulled out a chair. She side-eyed him.

"What, am I not allowed to sit." he rebeled and sat down.

A waiter came and took their order, "So that's one burger, a large fries and a cooldrink for you miss. And for you, sir?"

"A water is fine."

"Okay. Your food will be ready soon."

Mia looked at the him. He had taken out a novel to read. Now that she could actually see him, he looked much younger than she had thought. She analysed him. He had slicked back jet black hair. His face looked mature but she could tell from his jade green eyes that he was a child at heart, even though he wasn't a ray of sunshine. Mia noticed something and grabbed his book.

"What are you doing?" He tried to reach for it back.

"Isn't it a bit hard reading a book upside down?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? I wasn't. Um...give it back. Please." He tried not to sound embarrassed. She handed it back to him with a smug look on her face.

The waiter came and set down a delicious plate of food in front of Mia. Her eyes widened with joy upon taking her first bite. This was the best food she'd eaten in months. With every bite, she savored the meal even more.

"Hmph." He felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Waaht?" Mia's mouth was stuffed.

"Ah, it's nothing. That was one heck of a punch earlier."

"Oh yeah," she set down her burger and wiped her mouth, "sorry about that."

"Don't sweat it." he sat back and crossed his arms, "You're strong for a girl though."

Alright. Now this guy crossed the line. I don't care if you make fun of me or call me ugly. But NEVER judge me because I'm a girl.

Mia clenched her fists trying to keep her cool.

They ate in silence after that. Well, Mia actually ate while he continued to read his book.

She stood up, "Thank you for the meal." and she walked out of the cafe.

"Hey, where are you going?"

He got up and rushed to the door. By then, Mia had already walked out. He quickly paid the bill and ran after her. When he got onto the street he saw her in the near distance.

"Phew. I thought I had lost you." he approached her, but she was just standing there. She had a newspaper in her hands and a face full of worry.

"What's wrong?"

"He - he's back." her words stuttered out, "W- why? N-not now!" her entire body was trembling.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I was just teasing-"

Mia dropped the newspaper and grabbed him by the collar, "Don't you see? I have to leave."

"Woah, what are you talking about?" he tried to calm her down.

"He's gonna find me." her fingers grip her hair.

"He's gonna kill me! I'll - I'll never see her again!" her words bellowed, on the verge of screaming, "I'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!"

Finding You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora