Chapter 2

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The store looked just like any other. Bright white lights illuminated the shelves filled with overpriced snacks and candy. Fridges were filled with energy drinks and soda. There was an old man dressed in a uniform napping at the counter. Mia browsed through all the treats as her hunger grew stronger. She reached in her pocket for any change, but it was empty. Her eyes glanced at the convex mirror, there was nobody around.


She clenched her fist and urged her brain to take back control. Her stomach grumbled louder, echoing the empty vessel inside her. She grasped herself, trying to maintain control, but she could feel her craving taking over and before she could realize what she was doing, there were already 3 candy bars stuffed in her pocket.

By then, the old man had awakened and was tending to another customer. She began to leave the store, trying not to look suspicious.

There's no turning back now, she thought.

Just before she could walk out of the door someone grabbed her shoulder, haulting her movement.

"Miss, would you mind emptying your pockets, please?"
She turned and found another employee staring at her. Panic began to fill her mind.

Where did this guy come from? Am I gonna get arrested? They'll probably throw me in an orphanage again.

Mia tried to remain calm. "Can I help you with something?" She smiled innocently, trying to look ignorant.

The employee replied bluntly, "I suspect that you have stolen something. There is no need to worry if you're innocent."

Her eyes widened and her instincts kicked in. She targeted a punch for his stomach but as he backed away she ended up hitting his chin with an uppercut. He lost his balance and she made a run for it.

As she sprinted through the streets, she continuously looked behind her. Luckily, there seemed to be no one tailing her.

There was an isolated alley which she could use as cover.

It wasn't the best experience, eating your dinner next to a garbage can, but it was the best she had at that moment. Even though her stomach growled a little less, her conscience was not letting her off easy. She was filled with guilt for what she had done.

Throughout all these years she had somehow managed to get by without stealing, but lately things had gotten worse. The money she had could have been enough but she was spending it desperately trying to find her sister. 

With no technology that she owned, her only access was through cyber cafes and sometimes the library; which didn't feel shy charging people for usage.

She crumpled her wrappers and tossed them away. As she shut the garbage can close, her exit from the alley was blocked.
"It's you!" The guy was holding a bag and a uniform was jutting out.

Dammit! He's from the convenience store!

"There's nowhere to run now."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Excuse me, please." She tried to leave, but he blocked her path. His stature was tall and brooding.
"I just want to talk to you." He raised his arms, showing her there were no tricks, in an attempt to gain her trust.

He spoke in a bland voice, "Why did you steal? I saw you. You looked like you tried very hard to resist. If you didn't have enough money - "

"What would you know!" She felt frustrated. All these years of discipline and one wrong move screwed up everything. "I just did what I had to. Yeah, I regret it okay. Just hurry up and hand me over to the cops."

He turned his head and covered his mouth with the palm of his hand. For a moment, he was silent. She then heard snickering, and he looked at her with a cheesy smile. "Why are you so serious?"

"Huh?" What was up with this guy? I just stole something and he's laughing at me.

"Look, if you couldn't afford it, you should have just asked. I just hope you learned your lesson." He said before walking away.

Mia didn't know what triggered it, but she felt even more sheepish now than when stealing and getting caught for it.

"Ugh! Wait!" She said, "I'm sorry for stealing and causing trouble." She lowered her head, hoping her sincerity would be received. 

He nodded calmly, "Apology accepted."

"Is the old man still there?" She asked.

"Yes, why?"

"It wouldn't be fair to apologize to you only." She got back onto the sidewalk. "Thank you."

He felt a slight sense of joy. He looked at her as she walked off into the direction he came from.

He quickly checked his phone, 8:07 pm. "Hold up!" He ran to her, "I forgot something at work, so I'll walk you."

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