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Headcannons for the characters.

Steve Harrington  headcannons :

He has severe daddy issues but never brings it up because he doesn't want to start drama or receive pity

When he was allowed to he legally adopted Dustin becuase his mom ignored him.

He tried to be a better parent than his parents ever were.

Steve is Bisexual and was the first one Will came out to

Steve loves it when the kids want to hang out, as he loves them as his own.

One time when steve was working at scoops ahoy, he let all the kids get a free ice cream without robin knowing.

He took Eleven and Max shopping one time and they made him try on a dress.

At the public pool he will not go in as he has a fear of drowning,  billy threw him in.

Steve uses hair products for women and hates when billy replaces them for 3 in 1's.

It takes steve 20 minutes in total do do his hair when he is in the shower.

Steve won't admit it but his three favorite singers are Blondie, Tears for Fears and Maddona.

Billy made him listen to rock music once and he had the volume up so loud steve couldn't hear for a week.

When tommy and steve were friends they jumped in Steve's pool in January and got frostbite for a week, they still laugh about it to this day.

Johnathan and steve had a big talk with will after he came out and Johnathan confessed to steve, steve politely turned him down and they became close friends.

Robin made steve meet her dad and they had a whole ass talk about how steve better not lay his hands on her.

(The grabbers the one to talk 🙄)

One day Billy made Steve watch Childs play and steve was traumatized, he never trusted dolls again.

Steve won't sleep for days on end sometimes, same thing with eating, unless someone gives him permission to, his parents told him that he had to ask for permission before doing anything.

Billy Hargrove headcannons:

When steve was working at scoops ahoy billy would sometimes go to the shop just to tease Steve about the uniform.

Billy doesn't hate Steve's music, he just dislikes it

Billy can be quite a yandere sometimes,  especially when someone touches steve in a way he doesn't like

Tommy kept trying to be friends with him and finally settled with a no after Billy beat his ass

Billy has really bad nightmares and will call steve at 3 am, despite his boyfriends groans about beauty sleep.

When he survived the mall incident (stfu he did now) he got a ton of cash from the government and spent most of it on steve and max

Billy has mild insomnia and cannot sleep some days.

He almost always needs steve to fall sleep.

Together headcanons:

Billy is the big spoon, but steve curls up like a dog instead

Steve takes up most of the blanket which Billy doesn't mind sense Steve is still attached two Him like A straight up Koala and provides warmth for both of them

Billy makes a mix tape for steve.

Steve and billy host pool parties for the kids sometimes at Steve's house

They share cigarettes

Steve shares his problems with his dad and ends up sobbing so hard that billy let's him dry his tears on Billy's shirt, which he hates, but did it for steve

They move to California after the kids graduate!!

Steve has a garden next to the pool in his parents house, he makes sure it's well taken care of, the godess demeter would me quite mad if he didnt

Billy's and steve are both atheists and steve is forced to go to church because of his parents

(This one made me cry but I didnt make this one!!)

At church Jason was there and he outed Stev in front of the entire church, they called his parents and were yelling at him and calling him slurs before he ran out and tried to commit

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