Guess Who's home?pt 2 💙💌

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After being yelled at to 'Get off the Damn phone' by Susan, Billy placed the phone back in its place and walked through the Mayfield trailer he was staying in to his room, slamming the door shut.

His room was painted a lavender, but you couldn't tell unless you focused directly on it. He had band posters and pictures all over the walls. He empties his pockets and sees the box.

The ring box.

Fuck, he thought. He couldn't just propose to someone and then up and leave! He quickly gets out of bed a slips on his biker boots and a leather jacket for the chill of winter and races through the house, slamming the front door shut. He hops in his car and starts it, blasting the heat as more snow falls down.

He quickly gets to steves,  violating many traffic laws and speeding many times and almost hits a total of 2 cars. He halts to a stop in his fiancè's driveway and opens the door too quickly and shuts it when he's out.

The party turns to look at the car that pulls in with a halt. Billy gets out, curls bopping as he moves his head. "Move it!" He growled at everyone around.

"The doors locked Hargrove, don't even try." Johnathan Byers says from somewhere behind him. Billy sighs before smiling insanely, "Good thing I have an extra key than Johnny boy" he says through gritted teeth and pulls a key out of his pocket in his  jacket.

He places the key in the key hole and opens the door, dropping his key at the sight he sees in front of him.

Steve harrington, laying back to the ground, face up, blood leaking from his forehead, nose and mouth, his shirt all stretched out and he can see a trail of bruises that run under his shirtline.A hand gun lay next to his head. His breathing was short.

Everyone is silent until, "Holy shit  Steve!" Nancy Wheeler says, pushing through everyone and goes to lift steve off the ground. He coughs as he gets lifted off the ground. "Bi-Bills." He mutters. Billy races in once Steve says his name and holds him.

"Shit baby we gotta get you to the hospital." Billy says, and steve shakes his head quickly.  " no hospital,  too many needles." He says, opening his eyes in pain.

"I know, I know. But it's okay baby, your really hurt so we need to go to the hospital.  I know your not. a big fan of the hospital,  but we gotta go anyways."

Steve shakes his head again, "please it's not bad I swearr,  he does this all the time bills." Billys eyes opened even wider than before. "Yeah, now we're going. " billy looks at steves hand, "wheres your ring?" Billy asks as he picks steve up bridal style.

"He took it and threw it away." Steve said, pointing at the trash and then coughing out a bit of blood, mixed with the blood from his forehead.  The Camaro was going to be a bloody mess,  but did billy care? I mean he did a little buy that doesn't matter right now.

"Okay" billy says,  nodding. Then he turns his attention to literally everyone else. "You can stay here, go home, I really don't care." He says before taking Steve out the front door and putting him in the passenger's side of the car. The snow behind him a now pink color. Billy races to the drivers side and buckles himself in.

They speed to the hospital,  Billy's right hand never leaving the warmth of steves' own hand. When they arrive, steve is reluctant to get out, but eventually agrees to let billy carry him in.


"Are you here for Steven Harrington?" The nurse asks, making billy snap his head up quickly, waking up from slumber.

"Yeah, how is he?" He asks, worrying about his sweetheart

"He's suffered  a bunch of head trauma from what we can gather is only from a bunch of fights. Because of this he cannot hear in his left ear without a hearing aid which we can prescribe to him, but at the moment he is unconscious, we think it's a coma, but he could wake up any minute. " The nurse informs him. Billy covers his mouth and then stops,

"Can I visit him?"

The nurse shakes her head.

"Only immediate family till 4 am."

"I'm his Fiance!"

"I don't make the rules sir." She says before walking off, Billy stands and looks through the glass and sees steve hooked up to many machines.

This is all my fault, if I never would have left he would have been alright. Billy thought to himself,  he put his hand on the glass and swears he can see his significant others eyes flicker open and they do!

"Billy..." he croaks, although he wasnt supposed to, billy races inside the room anyways.

"I wanna go homee " Steve whines, holding onto Billy's shirt sleeve, "I don't like hospitals ." He adds. "I know baby, but they told me that your pretty hurt so you gotta stay for a couple more days okay?" Billy says. "But I didn't give the kids their presents." Steve whines, "your such a parent baby, I'm sure Mrs. Byers let them have 'em." Billy says smiling.

"I didn't give you yours thennnn" Steve says, coughing a bit. "Spending time with you is a good gift enough." Billy says, steve pretends to puke and says, "cheeesssyyyy" before dissolving into a fit of giggles.

"Merry Christmas Steve."

"Merry Christmas Billy."

Billy handed steve a box, wrapped in a light purple wrapping.  "You didn't have to baby." Steve says, holding the box. "Just open it." Billy insists.

He opens the box and sees photos of him with his friends Eddie and Robin, other photos of him with the kids and some with Billy. Steve knew that Johnathan took all these photos, he knew. Steve's eyes rim with tears and he covers his mouth while mumbling,  "billy,  you didn't, holy shit you did."

Steve looks up at billy and let's the tears go, Billy puts the photos back in the box and then sits on the bed next to Steve.

"We're gonna get out of here someday stevie, someday. Maybe to Cali." Billy promises.

"Sounds good"

"I love you Steven Grant Hargrove." Billy smiles

"Love you too William Arthur Harrington." Steve smiles

They share a Christmas kiss,

"Merry Christmas princess."

"Merry Christmas Bills."

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