. . 1NFO ! ! ! !

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. . read this first before u complain or bitch bout my story 🙄🙊 !!!!


. . the story is basically south park x (female) reader 

. . the reader won't have a specific race/skin color/hair and so on

. . you and your cousin will be involved with gangs so as the others

. . its kinda a fanfic and chatfic 

. . pics i post are references as to what the characters are posting or sent on messages/groupchats

. . some characters will be ocs

. . some south park characters mayb out of character (like cartmans rude ass) cus i dont wanna get cancel by yall

. . reader wont be soft or a crybaby so dont expect her to be all sobby about someone

. . smut will be in some chaps and adult acts

TEENAGE FEVER , , south park . ! * ☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin