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"So that wraps it up. We've got team A on food, B on hospitality and running the stall we have...that's funny I thought I allocated this to someone,is anybody missing a role?"

I raised up my hand with no hesitation, "I did Mr Nam,you stopped halfway before giving me a role when your phone rang."

"Ah right right, Lei,I knew I was forgetting someone. You can be on team C and run the stall and you'll be working with...Arthur. I trust I'm leaving it in good hands."

The sound of the bell echoed and Mr Nam rushed out of the door while shouting, "Happy AAPI month. Embrace your roots!!"

A round of chuckles resonated throughout the room.

My friend Bea walked up to me, "Good luck manning the stall,too much interaction for me. You will manage right? We don't call you the social Asian for nothing."

I snorted at the nickname,it had overstayed it's welcome. I had a free period next and while others filtered out rushing to their next class,I simply took my time packing up.

Feeling eyes on me I turned to meet the eyes of Arthur my partner. I smiled at him. There was a ghost of a smile in return from him before it dropped just as quickly as it had come.

"Hello. I'm Leilani, we'll be handling the stall together,I hope we make a great team."

Silence. He just looked back at me.

"I hope so too," came his reply after a while.

"Well ummm,you wanna maybe meet after class, discuss how we'll run everything,the food,the attire..."

"5pm in the library is fine with me."

And then he was out the door. Well! How rude,he didn't even ask about my schedule, not that I was particularly busy but that's not the point.

With a sigh I gathered my belongings,I hoped this would go as smoothly as possible. I sat at the bleachers doing a little research on AAPI month. It was so interesting that I almost forgot I was supposed to meet Arthur at the library to discuss the stall.

I was five minutes late and I entered the library a little worried. I scanned the area for Arthur,there was no sign of him. Whew,at least I'm not the one who can't keep time.

"Hey Leilani,up here. Also your six minutes late," a voice spoke from the second floor. I rolled my eyes as I made my way up the stairs.

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