Loco Moco

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"Stall's coming up great I see,clearly I'm not needed to help," Bea whispered.

"Yes you are,now get your sassy Chinese ass in there and like...do something. I don't know why Arthur is running late," I tell my best friend.

"While we're at it,tell me about this Arthur,shy guy. You two seem to be getting along quite well," she teased.

"There's nothing to it,we're just partners. He's not shy,that's just the perception everyone has of him. A little rude,sure but shy?"

"Arthur Keahe?"

"Yup,the one and only."

"The Arthur walking towards this stall right now?"

"Yes Bea, just get to know- wait what?"

My head whipped around to see Arthur speedwalk towards me. I composed myself.

"I'm sorry I'm late,I got a little caught up at practice, what can I do?"

"Ummm,maybe set up the merch."

Bea had magically vanished leaving me alone with the shy boy. He focused on what he was doing.

"Guess what dish they picked for us to display," I beamed at him.

"It's Hawaiian and it's called Loco Moco. I hope I'm saying it right."

"Wow,I didn't expect them to do that,I thought it'd be kimchi," he teased me.

"Just tell me about it," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well,I've been eating it since I was little. It was formed by a group of teenagers who were looking for a dish that wasn't too expensive and was a substitute for a sandwich. Basically it's rice, hamburger,a fried egg and gravy."

"That sounds delicious,for a shy guy you do know a lot."

He grumbled a "shut up."

We worked in silence. The stall was starting to look pretty and would be ready for the exhibition in a few hours. I marvelled at the beauty and maybe stared a little at the boy who was shifting everything into it's rightful place.

"Hey ocean eyes, what do you wanna be in future?"

"Maybe politics? I love Kamala Harris. Very inspirational. Or if that fails I'll go into journalism. "

"Professions that involve a lot of talking, gotcha," he laughed.

"Hey how bout you? Anything in mind?"

"I love photography,it goes hand in hand with my painting,I wanna go pro but that isn't exactly the path my parents wish me to take," he replied as his face fell.

I held his shoulder, "Hey,I'm sure you'll work through it,just take baby steps for now ok? And also if they kick you out we have a spare room."

He snorted, "And here I was thinking we were having a heart to heart."

Outside the school we stood facing each other since we went in opposite directions.

"Well rest up, we'll need all that energy tomorrow for the stall. Try to interact normally tomorrow...please!"

"Don't worry ocean eyes,I'm rushing home to watch a video to better my social skills. Later."

"Bye surfer boy."

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