Chapter 1: A Sticky Situation

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Narrators POV:
Lena had always lived a very privileged life. As the daughter of a wealthy businessman, she had never had to worry about money problems or the consequences of her actions. But that all changed one night when she found herself in one hell of a sticky situation.

It started innocently enough, when Lena and her friends had gone out to a club to celebrate her 24th birthday. They all had too much to drink, and Lena decided/thought that she was sober enough to drive home. She didn't make it very far before she was pulled over by the police.
Lena's POV:

What happened next was a blur. I was arrested for driving under the influence, and my car was impounded. To say my father was furious when he found out he was, and he made it clear that i had both nationally embarrassed both myself and the family.

I didn't really care. Id never been in trouble before, and i didn't know/ care about trying to make it right. That's when the phone call came.

It was Marcus, the son of my father's rival. I had known Marcus since we were children, but we had never really been close. In fact, we had always been taught to view each other with suspicion and mistrust.

But Marcus was offering to help me. He said he could make the charges go away and get my car back if i agreed to certain conditions. I didn't know what those conditions were, but i was desperate for a way out of this predicament.

I agreed to meet Marcus the next day to discuss his offer. As I hung up the phone, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was making a deal with the devil. But i didn't see any other way out.

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