Chatper 8: Marcus?/The Trip

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A few months later after a phone call from a certain someone.
Lena's POV:
Marcus approached me and the first thing we did was he started to apologize for his past behavior, but I didn't buy it. Ive heard all this before and didn't believe that he could have changed so quickly.

Then out of the blue Marcus revealed that he had been diagnosed with a serious illness and had been given a limited time to live. He explained that he wanted to make amends for his past mistakes and that he wanted to start by apologizing to me.

I was honestly taken aback by the news and felt a tiny wing hint of sadness. I could kinda see that he was trying to be genuinely remorseful and that he was trying to make things right.

Time went on and over the next few weeks, I met Marcus several times, and he somehow proved to me that he had indeed changed. He was no longer the arrogant, selfish, cruel person I knew before. Maybe it's the illnesses.

As I continued to spend time with Marcus, I began to notice that he was becoming increasingly weak. I knew that his illness was taking its toll, and i also knew that he didn't have much time left.

One day, Marcus asked me to accompany him on a trip to his hometown, he said that's where he wanted to spend his last days. I agreed, out of pity and kindness of myself .

During this trip, me and Marcus talked very little. We didn't reminisce about you past, but we did talk about our regrets and hopes for the future. I could see that Marcus had finally found peace with himself.

When we arrived in Marcus's hometown, I helped him settle into a hospice where he could receive proper care. We spent the remainder of his days together.

On that day Marcus passed away, I was right by his side. I held his hand and whispered words of prayer as he took his last breath. I knew that Marcus had finally found peace, and I felt a sense of closure.

In the days following Marcus's death, I reflected on the journey I've taken throughout my life. I realized that forgiveness and compassion were powerful emotions that could change lives. I knew that I would never forgive Marcus or forget the impact he had on my life. But I also knew that i would continue to live mylife with an open heart, ready to embrace whatever the future had in store for me.

I distractd myself by throwing myself into my work, but it wasn't enough. Ineeded something more to fill the void that had left behind. One day, while browsing social media, Icame across an advertisement for a volunteer organization that helped underprivileged children in developing countries. I had always wanted to do something meaningful with my life, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

I immediately signed up to become a volunteer and began preparing for my trip. I was very nervous but excited to embark on my new adventure. As i packed her bags, she couldn't help but think of what was to come next.

Ive spent several months volunteering in a small village in Africa. I've taught English to the children, helped build new classrooms, and even assisted with medical check-ups. It was hard work, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I felt like I was making a difference in the world, and it gave me a sense of purpose.

During my time in Africa, id met a local man named Tunde. He was very kind and caring, and he shared my passion for helping others. We quickly became friends, and before long, we started dating. I was quite hesitant at first remembering about max, but Tunde was persistent, and i found herself falling in love with him.

As my time in Africa came to an end, I knew that i had to make a decision. Should I stay in Africa with Tunde, or should I return to my old life in the United States? It was a difficult choice, but in the end, I chose to stay in Africa with Tunde. I knew that Marcys and max would have been proud of me for following my heart and living a life of purpose.

Me and Tunde continued to work together to help the children in their village. We started another school and a medical clinic, and we worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the people in their community. I knew that i had found my true calling, and i was grateful for the lessons that Marcus and max and her father had taught her.
Narrators POV:
In the years that followed, Lena and Tunde parted ways but stayed amazing friends . They finished helping the children in Africa, teaching them the importance of compassion and bravery. Lena knew that she had found her place in the world, and she was grateful for the journey and we're it brought her.

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