Chapter 5: A Dark Turn

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As Lena and Marcus's relationship continued to blossom, But as that relationship blossomed Lena saw a dark and horrible switch in his personality. As Marcus's behavior began to change, and he became increasingly possessive and jealous which scared Lena and she began to realize something that she'd should've known.

But at first, Lena tried to brush it off as a some what normal relationship dynamics like that he was just trying to keep her safe, but things started escalating. Marcus would get angry if Lena spent time with her friends or family without him, and he would constantly accuse her of cheating on him to the point we're she was afraid he might hurt her or worse.

Lena attempted to talk to Marcus about his behavior, but he would always brush it off as he claimed "I'm just concerned for your safety and would hate if anything happened to you". He would apologize and apologize and promised he would try to do better, but with that the cycle of possessiveness and jealousy would always return no matter what no matter what she said it always would.

Lena began to feel trapped and isolated lonely and scared for her health and safety. She didn't want to lose Marcus she loved him after all but she didn't want to give up her independence and her relationships just to make him happy.

It wasn't until one evening, When Lena sawMarcus's behavior had reached its breaking point. "Lena don't think I don't know about you little affair with your fathers coworker how could you" he said as he flew into a violent rage. Right before her eye in a lick of a second he hit her, leaving her bruised, confused and scared beyond recognition .

Lena was undoubtedly terrified and didn't know what to do. She had never seen this side of Marcus before, and she didn't know how to get out of the situation.

It took Lena a few days to gather the courage to leave Marcus. She packed a small bag and decided to stay with a friend for a while and Stella (her friend) help her realize she needed to file a restraining order against him for her safety.

It was a long and difficult road to recovery for Lena. She struggled with feelings of guilt and shame for staying in the relationship for alone long than she expected ,and she was left to deal with the physical and emotional scars and pain left by Marcus's betrayal and abuse.

Lena realized looking back on their relationship, that she had been blinded by the "love" he had for her. Stella sat down next to her and said " it isn't your fault you were blinded by the fact that he said he would help you and you couldn't have known that he was just as you thought he was" Lena really did wish that she had listened to her gut instincts and seen the warning signs earlier before anything happened.

Lena's POV:

But I also knew that at some point I would have to muster up the strength to get up of the couch and start fixing my life and I decided right then and there as I jumped up of the couch and screaming IM GOING TO THERAPY. Im glad I decided to try this therapy tho I really found solace in therapy(whatever that word means) and with the support of Stella , and ice cream I eventually found that I can love again and maybe this time with someone who will treat me with the respect and kindness that I truly do deserved.

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