Chapter 3: The Date

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Lena regretted agreeing to go on a date with Marcus as soon as she left the café. She felt like she had just made a deal with the devil, and now she was stuck in a situation she couldn't control.

But as the days passed, Lena found herself thinking more and more about Marcus. He was charming, handsome, and surprisingly easy to talk to. They had grown up in the same social circles, and they had a lot in common.

When the day of their date finally arrived, Lena found herself getting ready with more care than she had in a long time. She wanted to look her best for Marcus, even though she didn't know why.

As they sat down at the restaurant, Lena tried to keep her guard up. She didn't want to give Marcus the wrong idea or let him think that she was interested in him.

But as the night wore on, Lena found herself relaxing. Marcus was funny and engaging, and he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her. They talked about their childhoods, their families, and their dreams for the future.

By the end of the night, Lena was surprised to find that she had actually enjoyed herself. She wasn't sure what it meant or where it would lead, but she couldn't deny that she had a good time.

As they walked out of the restaurant, Marcus turned to Lena with a serious expression.

"I want you to know that I'm not doing this just to help my father," he said quietly. "I'm doing this because I want to get to know you better. I think you're an amazing person, and I want to see where this could go."

Lena felt a surge of panic. She hadn't expected this, and she didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know," she said, feeling flustered. "I just got out of a relationship, and I'm not sure I'm ready for anything serious."

Marcus nodded, looking disappointed but understanding. "I just wanted you to know how I feel," he said. "I'll respect whatever decision you make."

As they said goodbye, Lena felt a strange mix of emotions. She was grateful for Marcus's help, but she wasn't sure she was ready for anything more. She just hoped that she wasn't making another mistake.

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