Chapter 4: Getting To Know Eachother

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Over the next few weeks, Lena and Marcus continued to see each other. They went on a few more dates and continued to spend. more time together, and Lena found herself enjoying his company more and more.

As they got to know each other better, Lena learned that Marcus was not the shallow and self-absorbed person she had initially thought he was. He was kind, thoughtful, and genuinely interested in her life and was a very protective person.

Lena found herself opening up to Marcus in ways she hadn't with anyone before not even her best friend or family. She shared her dreams and ideas with him, and he listened with deep genuine interest.

Despite her initial reservations, Lena realized that she was starting to develop feelings for Marcus. Which She couldn't believe because she had never had a relationship that was purely love,happiness, trust and to think that she might have missed out on the chance to be with him because of her preconceptions and ideas of him.

Late one night, they were sitting on Marcus's couch, Lena had finally mustered up the courage to tell him about her feeling for him. Lena could see Marcus's eyes light up, and he slowly took her hand in his.

" You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that," he said in a deep slow voice . "Oh and I love you too."

But from that moment on, Lena and Marcus became inseparable. She supported him other through the highs and lows of life and him back, which only made their "love" grow stronger with each passing day.

Looking back on their first date, Lena realized that sometimes the things we think we know about someone can be completely wrong. She felt grateful that she had given Marcus a chance even though she didn't like him, and also that he had given her the freedom and "safety"to let down her guard and to realize her feelings.

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