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Mostly because someone in also wants an explanation about the new Judgment, I would make an effort to make a full explanation.

Judgment is an student-committee for Academy City, a city with advanced technology and many espers. Its primary role is to maintain order and enforce the law within the city. Initially, it was formed as a student-based organization, with members being students of Academy City. However, due to the increasing complexity of its operations and the need for a more specialized and professional force, Judgment has undergone changes over time.

The most significant changes in Judgment's transformation it's expansion its role beyond simple law enforcement and discipline maintenance to include disaster management and anti-terrorism measures with Anti-Skill.

To better serve its role, Judgment has organized itself into various groups, each with its own specific function. These groups include Operations, Communications, Command and Control, Maintenance, Vehicles, District Support, Tactical Unit, Explosives, and Counter-Terrorism.

Group 1, Operations, consists of regular Judgment members who handle day-to-day operations such as patrols, investigations, and enforcement of laws and regulations.

Group 2, Communications, is responsible for maintaining a high-tech and encrypted communications center that enables quick and effective communication between members of Judgment.

Group 3, Command and Control, provides a central command center for coordinating the activities of all Judgment groups during emergencies and large-scale operations.

Group 4, Maintenance, is responsible for maintaining the fleet of vehicles used by Judgment to carry out their duties.

Group 5, Vehicles, consists of licensed drivers and pilots who operate the vehicles used by Judgment.

Group 6, District Support Group, provides extra manpower for special occasions or emergencies, allowing Judgment to respond to situations quickly and effectively.

Group 7, Tactical Unit, is a specialized group that is only deployed for riots and tactical situations when Anti-Skill, the city's official law enforcement agency, is not available or unable to handle the situation. It provides an immediate manpower reserve for use in large-scale emergencies, making it the main anti-rioting and disaster-management unit.

Group 8, Explosives, is responsible for explosive ordnance disposal, ensuring that the city is safe from potential explosive threats.

Group 9, Counter Terrorism, also known as the Special Duties Unit, is a highly specialized group that is only deployed during certain emergencies if Anti-Skill is not available or unable to handle the situation. Its role is to protect the city from terrorist threats and attacks.

Judgment's role in maintaining order and enforcing the law is crucial, especially in situations where Anti-Skill, the city's official law enforcement agency, is not available to handle the situation. As such the organization's specialized groups, such as the Tactical Unit and Counter-Terrorism group, provide additional support in situations where more advanced measures are required.

The use of students as police officers was a deliberate decision made by the city's administration, which believed that involving students in law enforcement activities would help instill a sense of responsibility and duty among them towards the city and its residents. Moreover, in Academy City, students undergo rigorous training to develop their esper abilities, which can be useful in maintaining law and order within the city.

This training equips them with the necessary skills to become effective police officers especially against other espers from rogue espers to dangerous and trained foreign esper trained mercenaries or agents (read: Magicians/Wizard in a classified tone), unfortunately the need for this type of ability is rare as how strict the Power Curriculum Program is to outsiders.

Furthermore, students are more familiar with the city's layout, its institutions, and its residents, making them better suited to handle situations within the city as they have a better understanding of the issues faced by their fellow students, making them more empathetic towards the city's residents, which can be beneficial in maintaining a harmonious relationship between the police and the community.

Using students as police officers also allows the city to save on costs associated with recruiting and training professional law enforcement officers. The students who join Judgment are already enrolled in Academy City, and the city can leverage their training and development costs to create an effective police force without the need to create a full pay scheme as they could instead compensate them in their allowances, insurance benefits and maybe pensions.

In addition to using students as police officers, Judgment also has a specialized group called the Counter-Terrorism Unit, which is also known as the Special Duties Unit. This name is inspired by the SAS-trained Royal Hong Kong Police/Hong Kong Police Counter Terrorism Unit, which is considered to be one of the world's most elite special forces units.

The decision to use the name Special Duties Unit for Judgment's Counter-Terrorism group is likely a nod to the unit's reputation for being highly skilled and effective in handling complex and dangerous situations. It reinforces the idea that Judgment's Counter-Terrorism group is a highly specialized and skilled unit that can handle the most challenging of situations.

Moreover, the use of the name Special Duties Unit also reflects the group's unique role within Judgment. Unlike the other groups that focus on maintaining order and enforcing the law within Academy City, the Counter-Terrorism group is primarily focused on protecting the city from terrorist threats and attacks. The name Special Duties Unit emphasizes the unique and specialized role of this group within Judgment.

Furthermore, the use of a name inspired by a real-life elite special forces unit also adds an element of credibility and authenticity to the Counter-Terrorism group. It reinforces the idea that this group is highly skilled and capable of handling the most challenging of situations.

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