Chapter 4: The Report: Level Upper

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Here's Chapter 4, Chapter 5 is now on my , you can join me on Patreon for earlier chapters, and as usual I would like to solicit some donations to my readers.

Integrity, Fairness and Respect.

Flashback - 2 years ago - District 2, Judgment training grounds

"Now you are going through the kill house obstacle course!" The Instructor shouted at the now camouflage clad Judgment DSG Cadets. "This training is to teach all of you how to fight in close quarters and small environments!"

Touma and everyone else paid attention to the briefing, the scenario briefing and the weapons memorization course, the idea here is too teach the future Judgment DSG, Special Duties Unit, on how to do a CQC and CQB operations, which includes hostage rescue and arrest warrant operations, especially since two of them are the most important and dangerous.

This also includes equipment familiarisation in which includes on what type of body armour they would have available, what type of calibres they could stop and the type of ammo and bullets they could be facing out there, mostly in terms of what is usually available in the black market, as what the Royal Hong Kong Police had to face during the 70s to 80s.

From AKs, Grenades and other surplus pistols, everything that a criminal could get their hands on is talked about, mostly in terms of why those are found in the criminal elements, especially since the equipment talked about is very common in the black market and criminal market, the equipment while very common, it's the ammunition that makes it special.

"This will be a recreation of a case, where armed robbers have broken into an apartment complex and taken a family of 4 or 5 hostage, intel has it that there are 5 armed robbers, but with the hostages, we will not use Tear Gas." The instructor explained. "Now I will divide you into 3 teams of 2, Alpha, Bravo and Charlie." The instructor continued on. "Usually there will be sniper cover, but in this case, you will not have sniper cover for the moment."

The breachers set up the detcord breaching charges on the door hinges and the door knob, the police doesn't use high-explosives for breaching, detcord explosive and Tovex water-gel explosive because it's more stable, as the teams both stacked up for a breach and clear.

"Safe. Safe." The breacher announced.

"Alpha Ready." Alpha radioed in.

"Bravo Ready." Bravo radioed in.

"Charlie Ready." Charlie radioed in.

"GO!" The Instructor shouted and the door was blown wide open, the pointman was first to get through and saw the first target right in front of him, a masked armed robber, he was quick to open fire.

"Down one!" He called out as his partner moved to clear his left flank while he cleared the right.

"Down two!" His Partner called out as he downed a target hidden behind the fridge of the simulated kitchen.

"Takashi, cover the corridor!" Touma radioed in as they moved down the corridor.

On the final corridor there are two doors and with possible hostages inside, they decided to use the tools they have to breach the doors, and as such Touma pulled out the breaching hammer and prepared to break the door in as Charlie's team prepared the breaching shotgun.

Unanimously they both broke down the door, Takashi joining back with Touma quickly moved in and saw another target, and fired quickly.

"Down three!" Takashi shouted as he moved to secure the closet and bathroom while Touma covered him from the doorway.

Charlie Team, upon hearing the hammer striking the door quickly blew the door knob off and kicked it open, seeing a target the breacher's partner quickly shot the target and moved in while the breacher covered him from the doorway.

The partner quickly went around and like Takashi moved to secure the closet and bathroom, but with two targets missing, Alpha who was guarding the living room and kitchen quickly moved towards the hostage targets and checked on them for weapons and found both with a M1911 taped to the back of the targets.

"Four and five arrested!" The breacher of Alpha radioed in upon seeing the taped pistols.

"Room Clear!" Takashi shouted upon hearing Alpha's transmission.

"Room Clear!" They heard Charlie called out.

"AREA SECURE!" Touma announced to the instructors.

The instructors came down and started to grade and criticise or ask them for justification on why they open fired on the targets, which range from why did they open fire or why didn't they open fire, which is centralised on the idea that the shooting team and the investigators will questioned on, for example why did one used a breaching shotgun while other used a breaching hammer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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