Chapter 2: Its Mine

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Shigaraki's POV:

"I heard this lady is our grandma. Let's keep it a secret from Dad and become siblings hero." Hana chan stop it, I shouldn't feel excited over that. No. I shouldn't have wished for that.

"Help me, don't just watch." How i called out everyone desperately but no one came forward to help me.

"Listen in order to save strangers they don't even know heroes will hurt their family." my father's words echoing in my head.

"Tenko" my mother's desperate face.

"Help me. Anyone. Just let me be out of this hell. its cold."
Ah I knew heroes were never gonna come for me. No one will help me. I'm a monster. A monster who ruined everything. They never reached out for me even back then. Why would they now? Why did I wake up to this dream again? No why the suffering feels more realistic. Why my feet feels cold? The endless irritation, the urge to scratch myself to the point where it starts bleeding again. I will take my revenge. I have killed everyone who stood my way. My head throbs with all the memories still vivid in my head. I can't find the hands right now maybe I'm in sleep paralysis.

That's right I will just close my eyes and this dream will end and I'll go back to the reality, to the people who fought along with me in my revenge. And see the world coming to its end.

I finally woke up from this disturbing nightmare. My heart was still beating faster. I got up from my bed and looked for father. The voices only stop when i wear father's hand. I don't know why but it has been this way since Master made these hands for me. I feel calm.

As i was still lost in my thoughts someone entered my room. I let the door open since these jerks never bother knocking and just walk in as if they own this place. I got annoyed when this person just walked in my room, i look up to see who this intruder was and my widen seeing this person Toga and Dabi brought with them tonight. She just entered my room silently and kept walking and when I looked at her closely I realized she was actually sleepwalking.

"Tsk." I clicked my teeth in annoyance, talk about extra work. I stayed in my place waiting for her to get out of my room but instead she kept forwarding towards the wall. She bumped her head in the wall but didn't wake up from the impact, I was kinda surprised to be honest. Then her head bumps with the wall again it made an ominous thudding sound in the room. When she was about to hit her head again I stopped her from doing so. She didn't wake up from the impact so I believe I should just drag her out from here. I scratched my neck in irritation and sighed then I lightly placed my hands on her shoulder and forced her out from my room.

When we finally made it to Toga's room I knocked on the door. It was slightly open but I waited for Toga to come outside and take away her parcel from me. A few moments later when she didn't answer nor came to check I announced my presence and opened the door. It was empty, looks like she went out hunting some "friends" again. It only fueled in my irritation my head was still throbbing I wanted to just kick her inside and close the door but no matter how bad I am I still can't kick a guest. I frowned and then took her in she seems to have stopped her little parade now.

I tuck her back in the bed and pull the sheets up to her chin and then sigh again in irritation, my headache is only worsening. I scratched my neck more. Suddenly that girl begins whimpering in her sleep I don't close to her I just watch her sobbing. Maybe she's having a nightmare? Well not my problem honestly.

"Father, I'm sorry. Please Father." Her voice cracks as she beg this father of hers, "Help me. Anyone. Just let me be out of this hell. its cold."

I flinch at her last words, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, the vivid memories I have long been struggling to drown is surfaced again. I stare at her, she was trembling and kept calling out someone, anyone in her sleep. I know this pain. I know it way too well. My headache worsens but right now I feel angry, but where I should direct this anger? I can't lose my composure. I have to keep a cool head in order to get my revenge.

I looked at her hand trying desperately to reach to something in the air. I don't know what crossed my head but I silently just hold it. It was cold, fridging cold but for some reason the splitting headache is gone now. Her hands are soft and sweaty maybe its from the nightmare.

"I will only hold your hand for a bit until you stop crying." I muttered in a low voice. Her face was now relaxed maybe the nightmare is over. I guess this is actually the first time I'm looking at some female's face closely. She has pretty face even with all these bruises and not only her face Toga has wrapped her whole in bandages.

"What the hell? Was she dressing up a mummy?" I questioned Toga's intention. Though she always comes up with the least expected. I didn't know how much time has passed I should let go of her hand but holding her hand like this makes my mind at ease. Is it her quirk? Or maybe I'm just too lonely? Maybe its the former. I was still fighting the urge this hand longer when I noticed her eyes fluttering. Oh looks like she's about to wake up I should let go now. But before I could do that her eyes met mine. Her dark brown eyes looked like a serene under the moonlight. No why the hell am I being so poetic right now? I dismissed that thought quickly.

"????" She looked quite shock as I can see that in her confused eyes.

"You remember those idiots helping you?" I asked her as I let go of her hand. She had noticed it too that I was holding her hand. But she didn't ask and just nodded at my question.
"You were sleepwalking and barged into my room so I brought you back here." I explained things briefly to her and skipped her sobbing part. It doesn't matter actually she will figure it out herself since her eyes are still watery.

"Ah. I'm sorry and thank you for taking me in." She meekly bowed her head and a hair strand slipped to her cheek. It was annoying that even with her hair still a mess she looked pretty.

"Yeah whatever. Just get some rest and don't be a burden to us." I replied flatly and left the room. But her sobs still ringed in my head. The headache was gone now "maybe I'll finally get a good sleep tonight." I smiled as I walked back into my room.


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