❥ Chapter 4 ❥

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Nina's pov:

I really don't know what the hell is wrong with these people. I mean even if they are villains has nobody ever told them about hygiene????
I sigh in frustration as I see the molds and dust in the living room and kitchen. Its quite a big mansion for these broke villains. Yes they are broke. How the hell have they been living all this time??

"I have my savings." Spinner answers while wiping his blades. Dude if you spend half the time you spend on cleaning those useless blades you would be living in such a nice and clean house.

"Oh well I have my retirement allowance." Kurogiri replies while reading a book leisurely. No why the hell a villain has a retirement allowance????

"Why do I need to worry about that?" Toga asks while looking so confused.

"I mean don't you want to buy things or get hungry? How do you manage that?" I ask clearly curious of her response.

"I use my quirk?" She tilts her head to the right placing her finger on the chin. It was a question more than an answer.

"How?" I ask again.

"You don't need to know but don't worry I won't starve you." She smiles and waves her both hands after giving me her response. Seriously my head is throbbing.

"What's happening?" I turn my head and look at Dabi. He was standing at the door of the living room, his arms crossed.

"She's just curious how are we surviving if we don't have a job?" Spinner answers Dabi without looking up at him and is still focused on shining his blades.

"Is that so?" Dabi raises a brow at me and I gulp in nervousness.

"I-I didn't mean to spy on you guys or anything." I give him an explanation.

"Its ok." He sighs and focuses his gaze back at me, "well for me I just go down the store and they hand me whatever I want." He smirks as he remember something.

"What?" I raise my brow. "Just like this?"

"Yeah. Pretty cool right. My face is like a trademark they see it and hand the items to me and then beg me that I don't kill them." I was utterly shocked at his response and my  eyes widen. I literally don't know how to answer that so I just stare at him blankly.

"Back to Earth princess." Spinner teases me and I glare at him. Stupid ninja turtle, he simply shrugs it off and laughs. I then sigh again. What was I expecting? They are villains after all.

"Toga chan." I call out Toga and she she looks at me while burying herself more into the couch. "We have an urgent matter at hand, can I trust you on this?" I sounded so serious everyone stopped doing whatever they were and stared at me. I still waited for Toga to answer she grins and nods her head. Satisfied I smile back at her.

"I want you to make all these freeloaders to move their ass and get themselves ready to clean this place." Everyone started burst out laughing. Of course their slothful selves have never even washed the dishes.

"Hey I'm not a freeloader. I'm the one who pays bills of this place." Kurogiri sounds a bit hurt. Toga finds this a bit amusing and rushed out to drag Twice and Mr. Compressor to this tiny cleaning activity. They both groan and complain since they just came from a mission but Twice really couldn't refuse Toga and he reluctantly agreed. Good. We have at least 4 volunteers. I walk to spinner once again and give him those puppy eyes. He averted his gaze.
Oh come on!

"Please please please~" I poke him on the side. He really doesn't budge. "Come on! Even Stain would start cleaning this mess of a place if he ever see the way you guys live!" I exaggerated a bit but I see him gasping. Nice shot. Looks like the fanboy is in too. He quickly gets up and runs out to bring out the cleaning supplies. Now I turn to Kurogiri.

"No." He flatly refused even before I could ask him.
"Tch- stingy old man." I mumbled. He must have heard me but choose to ignore. Of course he wouldn't fall for this. I see Dabi scratching his head of course him and Shigaraki are the only ones I will never ask. I'm still scared of them. Even though Dabi has been nothing but kind to me, though not very expressive but at least he didn't threaten me or anything and Shigaraki..... Well he just sleeps all day or play video games at night or sometimes he would be out for missions or his meeting with his "master". I'm very curious who's this master.

I see Dabi going upstairs back to his room. Well it doesn't matter we are plenty enough. I clap my hand and we all start cleaning the hallway, kitchen, living room and bathrooms. We didn't need to clean our own rooms since they at least have the decency to keep their rooms clean. But we still needed to do laundry and stuff. Toga didn't let me do major cleaning so all I could do was watch over things and dust off things.

"Its like we are training for endurance in fights." Spinner awes in this new revelation. I really don't understand what this home boy thinks. Does he have any kind of syndrome? Well not my problem. I bring my attention back to the laundry. It just needs to be hanged out in the backyard. I look around and see that everyone is busy in their own task so I don't call out for them and lift the laundry myself. It was kinda heavy and I trip as I move a few steps and bump into someone.

"Ugh-" I groan. The laundry was safe but not in my hands. I was sitting on the floor and then I look up to meet those red eyes. I flinch.

"What are you doing?" Shigaraki eyed me as he inquired me.

"I- I". I stammer my body was trembling slightly but I didn't let the fear show in my face, "I was about to hang this laundry. Thank you I will take this over." I stand up and place my hands on the basket.

"Where?" A simple question and I frown.

"What?" I ask him not understanding what he mean.

"Are you deaf? I'm asking where should I take this?" Oh sir if you asked me in a more.... descriptive sentence I might haven't asked you to repeat your question. But since I'm a nice person I'll let your rude comment slide for just once.

"In the backyard." He simply nods his head and begin walking to the backyard silently and I follow him. Well that was totally unexpected. He actually volunteered to help me? Ok you're a slightly nice person.

"Are you dumb? Why were you carrying all of this when your wounds aren't fully recovered. Do you think you're superman?" Ok I take it back you're a jerk.

"Everyone is busy with their own work so I didn't want to--"

"Then you should have asked Toga to help you out I doubt she would find it bothersome." He cuts me off and strides towards the backyard. I don't argue back  he's kinda right. We finally arrive there and he places the basket on the ground. "Sit there, I'll hang the laundry." He points to the bench in the corner. My jaw drops open. Am I actually hearing things? Or maybe this is a dream?? This man who doesn't even move a muscle to drink water is willing to hang laundry????? Does he know he will have to actually move his muscles???

"What are you looking at? Go and sit down there."

"But do you even know how to--"

"Shut up don't make me repeat myself."

"Yes sir." I rush to the bench and sit there silently looking at him as he hangs the laundry. Wow totally unexpected side of him which I unwillingly discovered. He would have been 10 if he wasn't a villain or speak so rudely. I shake my head in disappointment. Few minutes later he was done and was now heading back inside but before I could even thank him he disappeared like a ghost.

Ugh what the hell?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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