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Flash back

I was sitting in a hospital room holding my step dad's hand we looked like death. He handed me some paperwork I look at the paperwork to see that it shows my real dad's name is Rick grimes I give my step dad a kiss on the head

Flash back over

I was sitting in the woods eating a can of bake beans and thinking about my step dad. That's when I hear a sound I turn around with my crossbow raised to a old man "easy kid I'm not going to hart you" I look at the man up and down "stay where you are come closer I will shoot you in between the eyes" the man's eyes almost jumped out of his head "do you have a group" I look at him "no all I have is myself so no I'm not in a group to mean people for me" he looks at me "look you can trust me so come on and meet my friends" he put out his hand I looked at it for a minute thinking about it I should or shouldn't. I grabbed his hand and pulled me to my feet. I turned around grabbed all my things and followed this man back to something like a camp site I was meet with a shot gun to the head what have I gotten into this time "are we just going to stand around all day or are you going to pull that trigger" that's when a red car came up the hill with the car alarm going I ran to the car popped the hood and ripped out the alarm. that's when I feel a gun get put to the back of my head again what is wrong with this group. A guy gets out of the truck and a woman and little boy run to hug him a few minutes later the man come over to me "Shane put the gun down he doesn't look like he'll hurt us" the man with the shotgun walks away pissed off "my name is Rick grimes and what is yours" I look at the man "your name is Rick grimes " the man nodded his head "and what is your name " I'm still in shock "max" he looks at me "last name" I look back at him "I don't have one " he looks at me and then nods and walks away. I walk into the woods and look at the paperwork my step dad gave me. my fathers name is rick grimes I look around and so no one so I put the paperwork in a water prof bag. I walk back to the camp gave dale a hug and started leaving. That's when I saw him Daryl Dixon my ex love I just keep walking in the woods to my motorbike that's when I hear the nickname I thought I wouldn't here again "little mouse" I turn around and look at Daryl before riding back to the farm back to my family. It's been a month since I've seen Daryl all these old memories came flooding back to me in an heart beat. I fall asleep for a few minutes that's when I hear a man shouting Hershel's name I ran out on to the front deck and see that it's Rick running with that little boy in his arms. Hershel yelled asking if the boys bit Rick said he was shot I got all the tools and help Hershel fix up carl.

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