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Max's POV

I had lost Rick and Carl, I was know in the rich part of the Commonwealth. Today everyone was out enjoying the peace and slice of real life again. I was sitting at a table drinking my coffee when a little kids ran past me and made me spill my coffee on myself "hey you little kids" that's when the kids turned around and I saw Judith "Judith what the hell" "I'm sorry Max" she put her arms around me and I did the same "I've missed you little sis" "I've missed you too" I let go and sat back down at the table "so what are you doing in the Commonwealth I thought you were some where else" "me, Daryl and Rick Jr are here but Daryl is working all day looking out for some rich kid" hearing Daryl's name again made me All most cry. After losing dad I went bat shit crazy and they kicked me out of the group so I was all on my own "Max you have a meeting with the Pamela Milton sir" I get up from the table "sorry that I have to go to this meeting" I give them each a hundred dollars "use this money on yous and if you want to meet I'm in the rich part of the Commonwealth so ask for me at the Gates" I give Judith a hug before walking inside the building.

"Pamela Milton so nice to see you again so soon" she was looking out a window "those kids what's your relationship with them" I took a seat "one of them is my half sister and the other one is my half brother" see handed me a glass of whiskey "I see do you know a Daryl Dixon by any chance" I laughed at her question "who doesn't know him" "what's he like" I take a sip "he's one of the best you could have protecting your son" she sat down "Negan" I all most spat out my drink "you're like him in away I hear" I look at her "unlike Negan I don't make people follow me in fear, I show them we are all equals" "but that's not the case now is it you live like a king" "I got here by the things I did that got me to where I am" "if the Commonwealth falls who will you stand with" I finished my drink stood up and put my glass back down on her desk "I stand with those who stand with me" I walked out of her office.

I had gone outside of the walls and was picking some fresh berry's "you know you shouldn't be out her Max" I look at Mercer "come on Mercer you of all people should know that just because I'm rich doesn't mean I've gone soft" I started to walk back when Sebastian "well well well if it isn't Max and Mercer you should come shooting with me Max" I kept walking "come on Max" I pulled out my dad's revolver "what's stopping me from killing you right here right now" "because they all work for me" I look at Sebastian "I'm the richest man in the end of the world and y'all know it" I walked away.

Daryl's POV

I had just gotten home with tea for the kids. I had fallen on the floor I was so tried "who was your day" "it was good I run into Max" I was surprised to hear Max was here "he gave us a hundred dollars and his address so if you want we can go see him" I look at the time. I got up and got ready too go see Max "what are we going right now" "up lest go" when we got to the gates of the rich part of the Commonwealth the security guard told us to leave and that it was to late for a social call

Max's POV

I was walking around the walls it was a old habit that I got from back at the prison. That's when I hear people speaking I walked up to the gate to see the guard pointing his gun at my love one's I pulled out my dad's revolver "drop the gun or I'll drop you" I had the gun right up to the guards head "alright you win I'll let them in" when they were in a got them to walk "keep walking until we get to my house don't look at anyone got it". When we got inside my house I went straight for Daryl pulling him into a hug "I thought I would never see you again" "yea sorry for kicking ya out" I give him a grant. I saw that the kids were getting tried "come on kids follow me yous can stay here tonight" I walked them to a kid room. When I got back down stairs I see Daryl going through my journals "I can sleep on the couch if you want" "no you're sleeping with me I've missed being with you" I pulled him in for a kiss a long waiting kiss "what about the kids" "their asleep so stop worrying about them for one moment" I pulled him up to my room and we slipped into bed. We were just laying there, I was in Daryl's arms again. That's when there was a knock at the door great my door came flying fucking open and in came Judith "Max I had a nightmare that something really bad happened" I pulled her into a hug "I use to be the same until I learned a trick the trick was just to think about all the good things in life or the good memories you have and not think about tomorrow because tomorrow is tomorrows problem and yesterday was yesterdays problem. Right now there's no problem because there just no problem so just get some sleep ok and trust your big brother"

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