Chapter 1 The Strangest Part of Me

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If everyone could imagine something and make it real, what do you think the world would be like?

It'd either be a huge disaster or a paradise.

70% chance I bet on disaster.
As much as I'd wish for a paradise, it's gonna have to be a 30% chance of it happening.

But then again, I think too much.

If you could dream something and make that real, what would you want to dream about?


I'm guessing either world domination or all your wishes to come true.
Am I right?

Here's me,
I have longish Brown hair and my eyes, believe it or not, are a mix between red, green, and blue.
Weird, right!
Ah know.
But that's not the only freakish thing about me.
The strangest part of me is that when I dream, they feel so real.
Then I wake up and I expect those dreams to become real.
They don't, of course, but I still...
Feel it's gonna happen any second.
In other words, I guess you could say I'm constantly living in a nightmare.
But sometimes it's a good one.
A good nightmare.

...If that makes any damn sense...

But one of these mornings I wake up from my usual stupidly real dreams, and guess what I see?

A black cat
Beside my bed
With yellow eyes.

I dreamt that.
Just now.
The hell?

I edge my way to the wall beside my bed trying to face this cat normally.

"'Ay. Don't act so scared, aight." The cat tells me.
I dreamt it talked too.

...Oh glob please no...

"What... the fudge... is literally actually happening?" Afraid, I try to settle myself down.
"You were in my dream..."

"Well, 'at's what I'm 'ere for, mate."
Heheh... he's got an Australian accent...
"I am here to tell you some news. I'll be your guide throughout the rest of your life."


"You will live longer than anyone on earth now. Three times longer."


"Yep. You've been given a gift, Hannah. Whatever you dream comes to life. And sometimes you can control it. Mostly, you can't. If you dream what you wanted to before you slept, then it comes to life exactly as you want. If you don't control the next dream, them it could do whatever it wants and also makes that very dream come to life. Not a very big difference, except for the fact that you can control some and most of the dreams, you just can't."

"Oh. Kay, I think I get it."

"What else did you dream there, Hannah?"

I relax a bit and think of what I dreamt.
"Well, there were three boys in my dream protecting me from-"


"Huh? What is it?"

"If you remember the bad stuff in that certain dream, they'll come to life. Be super careful."

"Oh. Okay."

"Also, two things, I should've said this earlier, but I'm Jay. That's my name. And I'm here to help your dreams turn out perfectly. So if you say the dream to me exactly as you think and describe, I can make it as just as you mean."

"That makes sense."

"Aight. So I 'ave the info on the boys, what 'id they look like?"
I think this cat is messing with me.

But then again, I think too much.

"Uhm, one had red hair and eyes and skin was pretty tan. He also could control fire. The second one had blue hair and eyes and was just neutral skin color and could also control ice and water and the last guy had green hair and eyes and his skin color was faintly tanned. Not super white or super dark. He could control anything natural on land. Like nature. Trees, grass, leaves, ground, rocks, and so on. All three were taller than me. It went, from tallest to shortest, blue, red, green, and me."

"Ah. I see. hold on let me process."

After a couple of seconds, three boys, exactly as I thought and described to Jay, appeared I front of me.
Luckily there was a big puff of smoke beforehand, though.
Because they weren't wearing anything.

Again, I was also lucky that, well since my whole family didn't really exist anymore, I still had my dad and older brother's clothes.

I dashed out of the room to grab three pairs of underwear, pants, socks, and shirts.

The boys put the clothes on and say on my floor.

"Where are we?" The one with blue hair asked.

The green one shrugged, as to answer him.

"This is freakish! A second ago, we were in our homeland, minding our business, and now we're... I'm not even sure where!" The red one crossed his arms and leaned back a bit.

"You guys... turned out exactly as I pictured..."

They all looked at me like I was insane.

"Except, I never though of your personalities, so it's a little different... But you guys need names."

"We have names." The red one snapped. "I'm Riley, Bluey is Brandon, and the greeny is Owen. Owen doesn't speak. Like ever."

"Do I'm guessing... he's the quiet one, he's the princely one, and you're the jerk?"


"Calm down Riley." Brandon makes him less tense.


"So... you guys all came from my dream?"

"What?!" All three boys yelled surprised.
Except for Owen.

He looked shocked though.

"That's Crazy!" Riley said loudly.

"You're completely serious right now?" Brandon asks, somewhat calmly.

"Yes. I'm not joking." I respond.

"No way... No freaking way..." Riley sounds a bit disturbed.

"We came from a dream. But where did we end up?"

"Earth. North America. Canada. Manitoba. Winnipeg."

"Shit! I have no idea, still!"

"Riley." Brandon scolds him.


"Well, I can show you what to do here, since you have no idea."

"Oh. Aright." Riley says.

"Well, considering you're the only one we know here, and since if you dreamt of us and also dreamt of thee things, bad things, as well, then we're gonna have to protect you and stick with you, right?"

"Wait, really?" I ask weakly. "Sorta like... having body guards?"

"Kinda, except for the fact that we play with elements. Fire, water, and nature."

"I like it." I smile.

I'm not quite sure I know exactly what's going on, but shit's happening in my life and I guess I gotta live with it.

But what if I'm just crazy and imaging this?
What if my brain is playing dumb trick's on me?
This could all be sprouting up right under my nose and I wouldn't even notice it.

But then again, I think too much.

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