Chapter 5 You're a Terrible Liar

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At lunch, I remember I forgot mine so I just sat there waiting for the boys.

As I waited though, my stomach started cramping.
Ugh, I can't believe I left my lunch at home.

When I saw the boys come through the double doors and walk towards me, I tried to pretend like I was fine.

They sat don't down in front of me,
Riley across from me, Owen beside him, Brandon beside me.

I crossed my arms over top of my stomach so it just looked like I was tired.

I lay my head down on the table and face all the boys.

"Uh, hi,"

"Yeah, are you tired?"

"Yeah I didn't get any sleep last night. kept waking up for no reason."

Owen, from what I saw, was trying so hard not to laugh, so he rested his head in the palm of his hand and looked away.
Da hell?

"Ah, that sucks."

"Where's your lunch, Hannah?"

"I left it... at home...." Shit, my stomach hurts.
Ow, it's getting worse.

"Well, I'll share with you."

"Me too."
Brandon and Riley both hand me part of their food.

Riley gives me an apple and a juice box.
And Brandon gives me a PBJ sandwich.

I really want it, but I can't reach.
I'm afraid that even if I try to move, they'll notice I'm in pain.

I have to rush it though.
Then I see Owen pass me a little carton of milk.

That'll make me feel better.
I go reach for it even though it hurts and I take a long drink from it.

After I set it down, I wipe my mouth and sit up normally.

On the carton, I see in little printing, 'Are you still tired?' With a winking face next to it.

I look up and make eye contact with Owen.
So he could tell I was faking this whole time.

I smile at him and he winks.
He sees through my lies.

I grab the other things to eat, and I eat them.

"Feel better?" Brandon asks.

I nod. "Yeah. Thanks."

I don't know how, but Owen saw through my little act.
On our walk home, I realize that Jay is still in my back pack.

I'm not sure why he decided to come to school with me but it's pretty annoying, the fact that he had to trade up all the space for my lunch kit.
Dammit cat, stop!

I don't think the boys know about it, but I hope they find out.

Anyways, when we all get home, I run upstairs to take Jay out.
"You can't come with me ever again unless you can make room for yourself without taking anything out."

"Hannah, the main reason I came with you is to tell you something important."


"It's about your dreams. I just got a glitch and it told me that you can't control what comes out of your dreams anymore."

"A glitch?"

"Yeah, I guess that's not what you'd normally hear. It's kinda like getting a message from a higher up person. They're like messengers. But not really. The person that sent me this glitch is called President Ivy Justice. Her name says it all. She's the top dog in the dream headquarters. And she gives out all the instructions. Once a dream is given and brought real, it can no longer go back. But if the person who had that dream, dies, then the dream dies along with it."

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