Chapter 3 The second dream

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"Hannah!" My little brother comes running at me in our backyard.

Up in the porch, my mom and my dog Molten watch us.

Brock, my brother, jumps into my arms and gives me a hug.

"Hannah, I missed you. Don't leave us."

"Brock, I never will. You know that."


"Okay whatever. I won't leave you."

"Hannah!" My pregnant mother called from above me. "Can you take Molten out for a walk please?"

"Sure mom." I get the dogs leash.
Then everything goes blurry.

The news flashed on the tv and I read the description because our network went a little fuzzy.

'Plane crashed an hour ago on its way back to the airport. Only two survivors, a young boy and a baby. Reporters say there was a lot of blood and gore....'

My eyes went watery and I felt faint.

"Mom... Brock..."
Molten had passed away the day before by getting hit by a truck.

So I was all alone.

Then a blurred voice called me.


I groaned.

"Hannah..." there it was again.

"Hannah! Hannah!" It cleared and my eyes slowly opened.

I rubbed them.

"Dude, you're gonna be late." Riley was literally on top of me when I woke up.

Sitting on me, a leg on each side.
He kept on poking me.

"Come on, get up."

I froze.

I cannot believe.
That this guy.
Is in my room.
On top of me.
Also in my bed too.

"What the hell are you doing?! Get out! Get out!" I start throwing things at him. First is the plus hue beside my bed next is a book, then it's one of my pillows, then another three books, etc. the list goes on.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Gosh! Quit it!!" Riley yells in pain.
"What- ow! Was that for-ow!?"

"Never go into a girl's room without her say! She could be changing!"

"But... we were here... the whole night! stop throwing this at me!"

"So you pets snuck into my room when I was asleep?! What's your deal?!"

I think one of the many things I threw at his head hit him hard enough and it knocked him down.

I flopped onto my pillow.
Whatever I'll get up soon enough.

Closing my eyes and facing the edge of my bed, I started drifting back into sleep.

"Hannah, were you crying in your sleep?"

I open my eyes to see Brandon sitting there, super close to me.

I back up against my wall. "Okay! I'm up, dammit!"

"Kay. Tell us when you're ready to go. Alright?" He gets up and heads downstairs with Riley by the back of his shirt and pulling him along.

I let out a breath because they scared the living stuff outta me.

I get ready and head downstairs to outside after grabbing my keys.
"Kay lets go."

During the routine I go through in the morning, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was crying in my sleep.

It Wasn't Just a DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz