AOT #5: Problem Solver

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Scenario: Eldian man is real with you for a second

Y/N, whilst fingering in A Minor: "Hey look, buddy. I'm a suicidal Captain of the Survey Corps, and that means I solve problems."

*Bertholdt transforming in the distance*

Y/N: "Not problems like, what is beauty?" Cough "Levi." Cough "Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy!"

*Reiner destroys the Wall and Annie kills Y/N's squad*

Y/N: "I solve practical problems."

*Levi Beyblade spins all over Annie's dumbass whilst Y/N grabs another NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE*

Y/N: "For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean mother hubbard nation from tearing me a structurally superfluous new bee-hind?"

*Eren breaks Reiner's spine*

Y/N: "The answer?"

*Armin bullies Bertholdt out of his titan*

Y/N: "Use violence. And if that don't work–"

*Thunder Spear Launcher sends just a tiny smidge of spears into Zeke's nape*

Y/N: "Use more violence."

*Waiting for explosion*


Zeke, in the far distance: "My glasses!"

Y/N: "Like these, little ol' fifty meter colossal titans released by me, guided by me, and you best hope.............not heading towards you."

*Chaos ensues whilst a blonde guy stands in front of the resident engineer, who's still stringing*

Erwin: "This is not what I was expecting when I said you'd have the week off."

Y/N: "And another thing, you're ugly."

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