Raditz & Piano, Sons of Bardock - The Search For Kakarot

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---(Episode 2: The Search For Kakarot)

--------------(Planet Earth - Age 761)--------------

In uncharted farmlands, two attack pods fell from orbit and crash landed, leaving two large craters where the pods landed, the farmer, rightfully concerned, quickly grabbed his keys and got in his truck to investigate the crashes. As he gained close, he grabbed his shotgun as a precaution as it could've been anything, but he was concerned that if it was Aliens, he wouldn't be going to check it out unarmed.

The door to one of the pods opened first, outcame a large man clad in armor with long spiky hair and a scouter. His name, is Raditz. An Alien known as the Saiyans. Muscles ran all throughout the exposed pieces of his arms and legs, standard issue Freiza force armor reinforced on his chestplate. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his shoulders. The trip to earth was a long and boring one but at least they were here now, it was time to see what Kakarot had done to the place.

But before that, Raditz took notice of the other pod, noting it should be open by now with his comrade. He waited a few more seconds before realizing something.

"He really fell asleep on the way down, tsk." Raditz crouched down and knocked on the other pod, waking up the inhabitant who quickly pushed the exit button.

Outcame a shorter, more feminine faced saiyan clad in the same armor with long bushy black hair and with a scouter of his own. He groaned at the sun in his eyes but Raditz smiled as his brother stretched, floating up and out of the ditch to be met with the farmer pointing a rifle at the two, rightfully upset about the new terraforming found in his field. He demanded to know who the two were but the two Saiyans laughed at his demands.

"It seems the creatures of this planet are still alive and not even in shackles. Kakarot's failed us." Raditz stared down at the farmer holding the shotgun, commenting, "Ah look at him, he thinks he's people." He activated his scanner and checked the power level of the farmer; displaying a power level of 5. Raditz smirked at the short, round human in his way.

Uninterested but increasingly annoyed at his brother's failure, the farmer grew increasingly nervous until his finger pulled the trigger and shot out a bullet which Raditz caught. Seemingly annoyed by the pathetic weapon he put the bullet between his finger and thumb before flicking it back into the face of the farmer, killing him.

Although unaware if he was dead or not, Raditz called out to the human, seeing if he could get some answers from him.

I mean, he was dead so that didn't happen.

"Pathetic." Raditz insulted. He tapped his scanner and soon it led him to a new power level, one far higher than most here.

Instead, the two saiyans decided the best course of action would be to fly around earth and follow the strongest power levels they could find.

--------------(2 Hours Later)--------------

Raditz and Piano hovered above a city before his scanner detected a high power level that stands out from the rest of the area, he notified Piano and the two took off in that direction. They flew for a while before they eventually came upon the Demon King Piccolo standing alone in the desert on a large rock structure. They hovered above for a moment, Piccolo looked up at the two saiyans and took note they kind of look like Goku, except one kind of looks like a girl. Piano looked over to Raditz and whispered, "Man, that is not Kakarot. Thank God you didn't say anything about killing everyone and selling this planet for profit."

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