Two and a Half Saiyans - Moments Before Disaster

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--- (Filler Episode 1: Two and a Half Saiyans)

"So, now that Kakarot has a whole day. What the hell do we do?"

"What?" Raditz responded.

"I mean, the hell is there to do on this rock? It's not like our arrival came with brochures of entertainment on this planet."

Raditz shrugged, indifferent about his brother's boredom. "I don't care. You can train while your here for all i care."

Piano decided to humor his nephew, Raditz was all business and no play but his younger brother wasn't as stern.

"Our little nephew wants to play hide and seek?" Piano looked around the empty field they were in, there was only a broken truck and hay to hide under or inside of.

First he started looking in the haystack, turning his scouter off to make it fair. Gohan was at least calming down a little, seeing his so-called uncle trying to play with him despite kidnapping him.

When he was done searching through the hay, he looked inside the truck. "Nope, not here either." He said, which made Gohan giggle through his fear from under the truck. He covered his mouth, realizing Piano might have heard that.

Piano crouched down and met gaze with Gohan. "Found ya!" He said excitedly just before Raditz blew up the truck. Throwing debris around the area as Piano covered Gohan from the particles.

Angered, Piano turned to Raditz asking, "Hey?! What the hell!"

"Stop fooling around! Just because we're on another planet separate from Vegeta and Nappa doesn't mean you get to slack off!"

Piano snapped at Raditz! "I wasn't slacking off! We're waiting for Kakarot you idiot! You gave him a deadline and now I have to wait till tomorrow because of what You said! Don't try to put this on me! I'm merely entertaining myself while trying to bond with my nephew!"

Raditz walked closer, growing increasingly pissed off by his little brother's attitude. Piano put Gohan behind him as he got between the two. Raditz, seeing how Gohan is getting in the way of their mission, yelled at his brother. "Then he is a distraction! Give him here." He outreached his hand, but Piano refused to let him get to Gohan. "What? So now you want to act like this? I still hold a higher position than you in the Frieza force. Don't make me tell Vegeta how soft your getting on this damn planet before we have to blow it all up because Kakarot failed to destroy it himself!"

Piano's knuckles clenched in anger as he took an offensive stance against Raditz, "So What?! What the Hell are You Going To Do About It? Runt! I can kick you into the next solar system so stop screwing with me! I'll Act However I Feel Like!"

Raditz knew his brother wasn't going one to back down from a challenge so he took his L like the good runt of the group he was and backed off.

Like nothing happened. Piano held Gohan up before seating him on the log next to him. "So, Nephew. What's your name? Kakarot better not have called you something stupid like Turles or something."

"I...I'm Gohan!" The little Saiyan half-breed stuttered out.

"Gohan? I'm assuming that's an Earthling name. I'm Piano, your uncle." Piano pointed over to Raditz who was returning from setting coordinates in his pod, "And that's Raditz, your other uncle. He's a scary guy but once you get to know him he's a big softie. Don't be scared of him, he's gonna be mean but you're a Saiyan just like us, just like Kakarot too. Your stronger than you think. I can Tell." Piano was about to say more but Raditz called him over, saying they should look for something to eat while the wait.

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