Chapter I - In my Mind.

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In my mind, she's still here. My beautiful daughter, she's sitting here hugging me tight, begging me to not let go of her as I do my work. Even though it got irritating at times, I am now more desperate than ever to hear her actual voice again. Just once. But no. I have to listen to the voice box and hug this rag-doll. All I have to do is pretend, and I can feel her breathing. I have to deceive myself, and pretend it's still her.

I look down at Charlotte, patting her head as she looks up at me. She speaks, "Why are you crying, daddy?" She asks, and I never even realized I was. I smile softly down at her.

"I just remembered a happy memory." An excuse. A lie. All I have to do is believe myself. Charlotte raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"But I thought we only cry when we're sad." She says, the curious look on her face. "Well, there are plenty of reasons why people cry." I say, taking a breath in before I continue, "We can cry when we're angry, excited, sad, basically anything." Charlotte's jaw drops like that was the most interesting fact in the world, and I chuckle. "Wow! You're so smart, daddy!" She hugs me, and I hug her back. Every time I hear her voice, it's like nails on a chalkboard screaming, 'you're deceiving yourself.' I hold back the urge to cry harder.

"I'm so happy to be here with you, daddy." She says, putting her tiny, chubby arms around me. I put my wrench down, putting it beside the robot I was currently finishing the frame for. Picking up Charlotte, I walk out of the room. The house I owned wasn't quite big, but it worked. I put my robotics things in the garage, working in there since my... ex-wife complained about my things being all over the place, so this was the solution.

Charlie looked up at me, a curious look on her face. Charlotte was always curious about the world around her. She's always looking around and pointing at things, asking for answers for the unusual in her tiny world. Her eyes are so full of wonder and love. I am so glad to have her.  I walk, somewhere. I'm not sure where, because I don't bother to pay attention and I stare down at my feet. I hold Charlie tight, making sure she wont be able to get snatched out of my arms. I can't disappoint her. I can't let her be scared. I can't fail her. I can't. I can't let her be stolen from me. Again. The possibilities... I thought. If she gets hurt, I will fall apart.

Who would be cruel enough to hurt a child? That's the question I haven't been able to shake off for the past few months. I could have thought the security puppet would have kept an eye on her. But I suppose I was wrong. I need to be better at creating these things, I suppose I am creating them with the right intentions, but how did the puppet fail? I am angry at myself everyday, and I will never be able to take it back. Oh, how I wish I could.

I look at my watch, realizing I have work in about an hour. I walk outside and to the car, deciding to drop Charlotte off at Jenny's house.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

I went up the hill to Jen's house, God knows why she thought it was beneficial to get a house up on a steep hill. I begin to wonder how many times she's fell. And then I start imagining her falling flat on her face, and a little chuckle escaped.

"What's so funny, daddy?" Charlie asks, and I just wave it off as if it was nothing. When I get up to the door, I knock and hear shuffling inside the house. I look around, my sister lives in a ghost town that was abandoned in the late 1800s. Totally not creepy. I hear shuffling from inside the house, and it takes a minute or two for the door to actually open. I smile at her, and Jen's face doesn't change.

"Jenny! I hope you don't mind babysitting my Charlotte while I'm at work, do you?" She nods her head, taking Charlotte from my arms. "Mhm, I don't mind. Besides, I understand why. Those animatronics are not kid friendly."

I nod, expecting this lecture since Jen gives me the same lecture everytime. "I know, I know. Jenny, you say the same thing every single time.." I hand Charlotte to Jen, turning around and walking back down the hill.

Still, my heart wants my Charlotte to come with me, because I can't bare to be separated. Maybe that calls for therapy.

In my mind - A Henry Emily fanficWhere stories live. Discover now