Chapter VII- The wound I had let spill out.

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*Henry's POV*

I walk into Freddy's cautiously looking around for anyone— specifically William —who would be lurking around here. Nothing looks different, it's just everything had been wrapped in caution tape, honestly, I don't see the point of even coming to work anymore. Fazbear Entertainment is doomed.

Taking a walk around, I look at the kids' drawings, smiling, knowing that me and William had made so many children happy. But in a way, I also failed them. I failed to save them from William's wrath. Those poor innocent souls...are they still aware? I hope not. He lied, scheemed, and killed. He killed innocent people, and now this town will forever be haunted by what William has done. Even hundreds of years from now, me and William will be remembered for the wrong things. And that's how I've failed. I ignored every single killing, I turned a blind eye, and I let the wound bleed out. Hurting so many other people... I reach up and grab a picture on the wall, walking toward my office. "MY HAPPIEST DAY!" The drawing read at the bottom, the actual drawing being of our mascot, Freddy.

I freeze as I hear the doors of the restaurant come open, slamming shut. Not deciding to be an idiot, I run toward my office, the tapping of my feet on the floor now sounding like stomping. I hold the picture close to my chest as I slam shut my office door, locking it.

Was it all in my head? I hope, running to hide under my desk since I had no other item of defense. God, Henry, stop being such a baby and get up. You won't die. (totally not a sister location ref.) I slowly get up, peeking my head over my desk. I slowly place the drawing on my desk, rising from my spot. I shrug, maybe it was in my head? I thought, and went to unlock the door. Walking out, I looked in the halls, and there was nothing. I walked further down the long hall, and I stopped, looking around for a second.

I hear heavy breathing— somewhere? Or is that just me? I don't have time to look around and behind me again, for an arm goes around my waist and a hand goes around my mouth. We've been shut in a closet, and he looks at me with crazy eyes.

"I want to make a deal.." William holds me uncomfortably close, his hand still around my waist, but his hand was just released from my mouth so I could actually speak. I look back at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want to make any deals with you. Now let me go, William Afton." I struggle to get out of William's grasp, and I just decide to stop trying, he's probably finding this funny.

"Oh, but Henry! You haven't even heard it yet." He wickedly smiles, continuing on, "Listen, you lie for me if we get taken in for questioning again, you will say I was not the one who killed those kids. Okay?"

I refused, "No! That will just make them turn their attention toward me."

William shushed me, "But I'm not finished. We can start over, get new lives, build a new Freddy's if you do this one thing for me."

I started to panic at this point, this sounded more like a one-sided obsession than a friendship. My breathing started to speed up, and I felt my hands starting to shake, once again, I refuse. "No.. no, William. You killed my daughter! How could I possibly forgive you?!"

William sighs of frustration, turning me around to look him in the face, "Henry..please." He says, with a sad tone, and I absolutely refuse to look at him.

"Henry, I will do anything. All I need for you to do is do this for me. Please."

I sigh, looking at him, not avoiding his eyes this time. His blue eyes looked sad... even desperate, and I nod. "Okay.. Fine. You've won me over, Afton. I'll do it." I lie, just wanting him to let me go. "But just let me leave." He nods, letting me go, and I just casually walk out of there, because I don't want him to be suspicious of me.

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