Chapter IV- She's gone.

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*Henry's POV*

I pull into the driveway of my sister's house, getting out of the car as my legs cramped up from running so fast a little earlier. I knock on the door, hearing a little rummaging in the house before Jenny opens the door.

"Henry.? Hello.. ahem. I have to talk with you, come inside." I hesitate at first, thinking it's bad news, but I walk inside.

"What is it?" I slightly cock my head to the side, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Charlotte.. she's gone."

"What?! Jenny! I trusted you! I trusted you with my daughter!"

"She was sleeping, and when I went to go check on her, she was gone! I checked everywhere!"

"You live in a fucking ghosttown, Jen, where could she have possibly gone?!"

Jenny, looks away, ashamed, while she shrugs. "Hen.. I don't know. I really don't know. I'm so sorry. I really tried, I promise." I feel tears start to trickle down my cheek as I hug her.

"I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't have her anymore, I don't have anyone."

"Henry.. you can still have me. You can't keep pushing everyone ou-"

I cut her off, pushing her away. "That's what William said! And you want to know what he did? He killed my actual daughter. He bettayed my trust, he made me who I am! I am crazy.. and you know why, Jen? Because of HIM! He took away the last thing I loved.. and I really can't do this anymore. I had to hug that stupid ragdoll and pretend it was my little girl because if I didn't, I would be pushed over the edge."

Jen stayed quiet for a second, looking at me in disbelief. "I don't know where she is Henry.. I promise you."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. It's all in my head. She's gone, Jen. And by the man whom I trusted the most."

"I know what you're going through, Henry..."

"No you don't. You will never feel this way. You don't have a husband, kids, you never had what I had. And now it's gone!" I balled up my fists, ready to punch absolutely anything in my way, but I just ended up walking out the door, not speaking another word to Jen.

Walking back to my car, I don't look back. I couldn't stand looking or even thinking about anyone in this moment. I pull out of the driveway, driving away.

Maybe I should just go home. I don't want to risk going back to work... what if William is still there waiting for me? It would be shameful to die in his arms. I am honestly still in disbelief that he killed my poor daughter. She had so much to live for.. after all, she only lived to be three. Her poor, sweet soul deserves more. I decide to sharply turn to Hurricane, for I was making a quick stop at the Hurricane police station. I can't let William get away with this.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

I  park in the parking lot of the police station, getting out of my car. I tried to pretend like everything was normal when I walked into the doors, but then I saw him. I saw him. My heart dropped for a moment, but then I remember he wouldn't be able to hurt me here. The police officer talking to him looked at me with a concerned look.

William looked at me as well, with a scared look, clearly he was trying to fool the cops into thinking I was the one responsible for these crimes. I look at him with a blank look, and then look at the officer.

"Look, I know I may seem really suspicious to you, but you have to trust me." I point at William sitting down in the chair, "He was the one responsible for all of these crimes, and he was the one who killed my daughter. He also chased me around Freddy's with a kitchen knife in his hands!" I exclaim, and the officer raises his eyebrow when he looks at me.

"I'll have to take you both in for questioning. Please follow me." She says, taking up both to the back of the police station. We were separated in different rooms, and there was already a detective waiting for me in the room. I quietly sat down, making sure to look the officer in the eye so I don't seem anymore suspicious than I already am.

The officer starts the tape, sighing before he starts to speak..

CLAY: "Welp, today is May 23, 1985 4:48 PM. Detective Clay Burke here. What's your name?"

I answer with my name, and then he gets into the actual questions.

CLAY: "Mr. Afton seems to have a different story than yours. And I know there has been a lot of rumors about you, but I'm completely unbiased. So, don't be afraid to tell the truth."

HENRY: "Like I said in the main room, William Afton killed my daughter, it wasn't the other way around. His daughter died to his own creation having a flaw. His animatronics were meant to kill."

CLAY: "But Mr. Emily.. isn't your daughter alive and well? Accounts say that they saw you with her a few days ago in the Pizzeria looking as happy as ever. May you tell me the real story?"

HENRY: "She's not my daughter. After William killed my actual daughter, I made a Charlotte Prototype, making her her own stages of life.. up until she was an adult, and complete. She was made out of my own fantasy and my mind. She's not real. And she never was real. My poor daughter died when she was just three years old because William was sick of the amazing life I had with my family."

I sigh, my breath staggering like I was about to cry thinking about the topic.

CLAY: "Did you assist William with the murders of the other 5 missing children? Do you know where they are?"

HENRY: " Of course I didn't. My only wish with this company was to give children the opportunity to be happy, and for everyone to enjoy themselves. I would never kill a child- or anyone."

Clay nods, taking in the information.

CLAY: "Okay, that's all. Thank you, Mr. Emily. End tape."

I walk out of the room, shaking even though the questioning was pretty laid-back. After this, I left the police station and went back home.

*William's POV*

A detective steps into the room, sitting down on the other end of the table. His hair is a ginger-ish blond color, and he has a stupid smug smile. Isn't this supposed to be serious? I think to myself.

He speaks as he starts the tape, his voice sort of echoing off the walls...

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