Chapter VIII - The fall. (The True Ending)

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*Henry's POV*

I pull into my driveway, still feeling a little odd from the interrogation earlier. I turn off my car, just taking my time to sit there. One moment of silence. One moment of peace. The stress of this whole case, William, the interrogation, everything just leaves my mind blank for one second. I take this moment to breath, and gather myself.

Getting out of my car, I immediately go upstairs to my office, sitting down and grabbing some paper and a pen. I never thought in my life that I would have to do this, but it's just necessary now.

My Dearest Jenny,

I've warped and twisted my surroundings to the point I don't even know if I'm real anymore. I can't settle back into reality anymore, not like this. For the past 2 years, I have fed myself lies, and lies, and lies... I believed every single one of them. And to add onto that, I let my faithful business partner lie, steal from me, and most of all, manipulate me to stay. I can only hope the place he is going to after life is not a place that treats him well, for I can never seem to get him out of my mind. Even if he is still alive, he haunts me. And for as long as I'm alive.. I will remember what he has done. He has broke me beyond repair. And most of all.. the thing that broke my heart the most.. oh, my dear Charlotte. I have the hope you manage to find her, let her live. Make her happy. Treat her well, Jenny. But not a second passes my mind that I do not think about the closets. Keep the fourth closet shut. Make sure the seal remains, don't let anything out, or hell will be upon this whole town. My business partner took what I had made, and made it into something awful. A monstrosity. And you, Jenny, must make sure that seal remains. And when decades have passed, and nobody remembers, fill this house with every flammable thing and let it burn. Stand close guard to shoot a bullet into anything that emerges from the rubble, no matter what or who it looks like. I trust you will do well with this job when I'm gone, Jenny. I will stop pushing people away now.

I am going to be with my daughter.

Love and always to the end,

A few tear drops drop onto the paper I'm writing on, smearing the word 'Daughter' in the last line. I let the note sit on my desk as I get up. All of a sudden, I hear aggressive and loud knocking on my front door, so loud that it's clearly audible upstairs. It's probably the police. I thought. I walked downstair, not trying to make whoever was behind the door upset, so I picked up my pace. Knock, knock, knock. The sound got louder with every single knock, until I open up the door.

"You lied to me. You little deranged maniac." William spoke, his words like a slap to my face. I backed up, just a sign for him to come in, he kicked the front door shut, and I spoke something back, looking behind me for any items of defense.

"I.. William, he was interrogating me! I had to tell the truth!" I spoke, and he just got more angry.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID?! We were going to go off and change our names, change our lives for the better. But, of course, you always FUCK EVERYTHING UP!" He yelled again, and I didn't reply for a moment, I was trying to lead him to the garage, from there, I knew what to do.

"William, in all honesty, I was never going to go with you. I have friends and family here in Hurricane, and they definitely care more than you ever did." I argued, and there was a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. He doesn't care. He's trying to trick you. Don't let him do this again, Henry. I thought, still leading him toward the garage.

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