Chapter V- Who to believe?

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*William's POV*

I sit here in front of the detective, making sure to look sad talking about these sensitive topics.

CLAY: "Detective Clay Burke here, May 23rd, 1985, 5:15 PM. What's your name?"

I answer with my name, and he gets onto the questions.. the hardest part is that I have to look convincing enough to get Henry into jail.

CLAY: "I just interviewed Mr. Emily, and he denied your whole story. Why don't you tell me your side?"

WILLIAM: "Well, officer.. today I was confronting Henry about him killing my daughter. I knew it was him this whole time, but I just couldn't muster up the courage to do it back then... I was afraid he would go to the police and lie like he just did. But anyway, I was super angry at him when he actually confessed to killing my darling Elizabeth, I threatened to go to the police, and he pulled out a huge kitchen knife with the intention to kill me. I ran as fast as I could, and I'm pretty sure he even left a scar on my back.." I mustered up a few sobs, rubbing my back as if I was still in pain. "That's when I came to you."

CLAY: "Okay.. well, Mr. Afton, when did this attack happen?"

WILLIAM: "It happened this morning when I came into work. Henry was acting like his usual self, but I'm pretty sure I turned off every single emotion he had while I was confronting him. The sparkle in his eyes was gone.. it's just.." I take a few seconds to wipe my tears away, and then continue, "he wasn't the same man I became friends with.."

CLAY: "Okay, William.. I'm sorry if this is insensitive, but do you feel jealous of Henry?"

WILLIAM: "No. No- of course not, I couldn't imagine being jealous of him, there's no reason to be jealous for. I hate him.. I absolutely hate him.."

CLAY: he nods, taking in William's body language and the look in his eyes. They look... desperate.. but yet artificial at the same time..? "Do you know anything about the 5 other missing kids?"

WILLIAM: "Yes, I do.. One day I came into work quite late, when the restaurant was already busy. I ran into Henry, and he had little splotches of blood on his uniform. And later, when I went to the backrooms to preform, I had seen a decent amount of blood in there."

CLAY: "Oh my.. okay, then. Did you notice anything else off about Mr. Emily?"

WILLIAM: "I'm not too sure, officer.. I wanted to stay away from him because of this behavior, I didn't notice much else.."

CLAY: "I have one last question for you, Mr. Afton. May I see the scar on your back? Sorry if it sounds invasive, any evidence we find is valuable."

WILLIAM: I nod, turning my back and slowly lifting the back of my shirt so the scar wouldn't hurt. The scar I sliced into my own flesh hurt like hell, but I was determined to make Henry look guilty.

CLAY: After taking a few pictures, he nods again, looking at William's scar. He was slightly shaking, like he was scared to death. "Thank you, Mr. Afton. That's all I needed to know. End tape." Clay ends the tape, standing up and walking out of the room, leaving William alone.

I quietly giggle, hugging myself as if I was scared in case anybody was watching me through the doors windows. That must have been the most spectacular performance I have had yet! I think to myself, hoping that my story was believable enough. I stand up, leaving the police station, still looking terrified.

*Clay's POV*

I sit down at my desk in the police station, going through the two takes with William and Henry. You can obviously hear William cry throughout the whole thing while he recalls it, but Henry is almost practically emotionless while talking about his losses. I remember looking into Henry's eyes when he recalled Charlotte. His eyes were tearing up a little, but he looked lost. He didn't look like he was even here with me anymore. I quite honestly felt bad for him, but I didn't really know who to believe. Maybe I should just have people search both of their houses, simple questions wont get me anywhere if they're both lying.

I sigh in frustration, I have probably listened to both recordings about 20 times. Despite all the town rumors, I don't believe Henry Emily was the one who killed those 5 kids. Though, Mr. Afton looked as sweet and innocent as a baby bird. That's why I cease to trust him. He made his performance too overdramatic, and it didn't seem very believable. Also, why would a well-known business man act like that in front of the police? It's a question that I will probably never get the answer to.

I pick up the cassette tapes again, bringing it to the Chief of Police at the time, letting her take a listen.

She plays Henry's tape first, slowly nodding. "He seems practically emotionless. Is it possibly from shock?" She wonders, and then moves on to William's recording.

"What kind of business man would act so immature for a questioning? You touch on sensitive topics, sure, but..." She seems to have another question for me, but she shakes it off and asks, "Do you possibly have any photos of this wound he claims to have?" Clay nods, pulling out a camera and pulling up the photos he took.

"Maybe we'll have to get a doctor to analyze them, to determine how old they are." I suggest, and she nods, still looking at the photos.

"If this happened in the morning... they look a little too fresh, Clay.. what if Mr. Emily didn't actually stab him?" She proposes, and I agree with her. I do think Henry Emily is innocent. "...But we have more proof that Henry Emily is lying than telling the truth."

"Wha- you said it yourself! The scar looks too fresh to be from this morning. Maybe just search both of their houses? That'll find us some evidence, right?"

"Maybe Mr. Emily just belongs in a mental hospital. He's clearly delusional er- depressed, or something! He lied to himself that his daughter wasn't dead, and he believed it!" She sighs, putting a hand on her forehead before continuing, "What I'm saying is... the odds against Henry are going to make this town believe he is the one who did it, even if we decided to arrest William. Now, go get search warrants. For both of them."

I nod, walking out of the room, leaving her with the evidence. The odds against Henry... What if Henry was the person who committed these crimes..? Everything he said sounded genuine, and it sounded like William was making his own story up. Who shall I believe?

*William's POV*

I pull out the boxes of journals I had, picking up the one about Henry before shoving the box back under my bed. The journal was already more than halfway full, and I ripped out a few pages because I needed to let off some steam. I flip to the last page I wrote, the thought I began to write not complete. I begin to wonder what I was going to put there, but I just ended the sentence and spoke my mind.

Sometimes I wish I could just hug him again, (like a friend obv but william is a little fruity) but sometimes I just hate him so much. And I ruined everything I had with him, simply because I was jealous. There is no doubt I've completely ruined my relationship with him, and I'll probably end up in jail for it. I don't feel sorry for my actions one bit, no. Even though these paragraphs may seem like I feel a little...remorse, I don't. Henry Emily deserves every ounce of pain he gets, and that's the truth. I smile now because even after hundreds of years when Henry is long-gone, the people of Hurricane will still tell you Henry was the one who did it. He is the one who looks guilty. Plus, it doesn't help that he is deranged. But I-

I look up from my journal, pushing it back under the bed as I hear a knock on my door. I get up to go and answer, making sure to act calm.

As I open the door, the police officer that interviewed me earlier has appeared at my front door. "We were called here to do a search."

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