Nice Guy

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The one good thing was that today was friday, which meant money would soon be hitting Hyunjin's bank account just in time for him to avoid being homeless. He kept refreshing his phone as he sighed the check, praying that he would have enough. 

He still hadn't gotten the chance to change out of his dance outfit and decided to relax a little bit after such a stressful week. He would be safe to ignore all of his problems for a little bit longer.

He got changed into a baggy hoodie and shorts before tossing himself onto the couch with a sigh of blissful relief. The idea of having to get up and go to his other job tomorrow was attempting to cla itself up to the forefront of his thoughts, but Hyunjin was determined to afford himself just a few moments of peace. 


A text. Hyunjin hurried to see who it was, and lucky it was just who he was hoping it would be. 

Moving out at 18 had a few pros, like being able to get away from unsupportive parents, not running into people from highschool at the grocery store, and of course, chasing your dreams. Hyunjin was harshly reminded of the many cons as well, such as moving away from his best friend. 

Hyunjin didn't even read the text and went straight to face timing Minho. 

He answered instantly. "Hey," 

"Minho, I'm dying" He started, trying to convey the seriousness of his situation with his expression, but was unable to stop smiling at seeing Minho. 

"I doubt that," Minho smiled in return, setting his phone up on his kitchen counter so Hyunjin could watch him as he cooked. "What makes you think you're dying?" 

"There's this new guy in my dance team," Hyunjin started, squinting at the screen as he tried to figure out what Minho was making tonight. That's one thing he will never stop missing, going to bed with a stomach full of Minho's amazing cooking. It was nothing short of spectacular, honestly. "And i cannot stand him. He's inconsiderate, he's rude, and he's fake" 

"Spill," Minho asked, not looking up from his cooking. 

Hyunjin went through and described every little transgression in crystal clear detail. Minho half listened, pretending that Hyunjin was a podcast. 

"You better hurry up," Minho warned. "I'm almost done with dinner"

"Okay, okay," Hyunjin said. "In summation, the root of my problems lays in a spoiled rich kid"

Minho laughed. "Okay drama queen, and what do you plan to do about this?"

"Plan?" Hyunjin cocked his head to the side. His plan had just been to ignore Felix until he quit, or until he snapped and killed him. Whichever came first. 

Minho rolled his eyes as he started plating the food. "You're just going to let him walk all over you? You're occasional bitchy comments obviously aren't working so you have to find a better way to establish your dominance"

"That's not exactly my forte" Hyunjin grumbled in response. Minho was much more solution oriented when it came to obstacles like this, while Hyunjin much preferred to just vent then deal with it. However, the extent of his frustration was forcing him to consider Minho's suggestion. 

"Jisung! Dinner!" Minho yelled before picking up his phone. "Sleep on it, then get your revenge" 

"I'll think about it" Hyunjin promised. "Bye"

Minho waved before hanging up, leaving Hyunjin to formulate his plan. Directly confronting him wasn't an option, Hyunjin would rather die than make his hatred explicitly clear. However, if Felix were to drop his nice guy act first, Hyunjin would have no problem reacting. He just had to bait him into revealing his actual annoying self and then it would a non-issue to defend himself. 

But how? 

Hyunjin stared at his empty fridge for the 4th time that night, convincing himself that maybe expired blueberries weren't that bad. Once again, he was trying to find a way to blame this all on Felix but even if with his very active imagination it was difficult. 

Revenge was the word Minho used, but Hyunjin liked to view the view the plan that was brewing in his head as a preventative measure. Competition season was coming up and there would nothing that could stand in Hyunjin's way of getting that bonus. He had worked entirely too hard to let his efforts go to waste because some rich kid couldn't bother to practice as much as everyone else on the team. 

Maybe what annoyed him the most was that he seemed to be the only one who held this hatred for Felix. Well, other than Minho, who was willing to hate anyone Hyunjin did. But the rest of the dance team seemed to be wrapped around his finger. 

Expressing his annoyance in front of the dance class would only make Hyunjin an outcast. Under any other circumstances he wouldn't care about their opinions, but Hyunjin knew that a good relationship with up and coming dancers wasn't a bad idea. He drew that line at Felix, though. 

As he ran through his dinner options once again, he decided to skim through the dance group chat. Mostly it was schedules and the occasional gossip. He was surprised to find a picture of Felix holding up two tickets while smiling at the camera. The accompanying text read, "My date bailed, is anyone up for seeing swan lake late this weekend?" 

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. Felix was the type of person to just have an extra insanely expensive ticket. The worst part was Hyunjin knew this largely came from a place of jealousy. He would sell his soul to be able to see swan lake, but of course, Felix is the one who gets them. 

There was a half eaten bag of chips on the counter, and Hyunjin decided that it would be good enough. 

The next morning came in a blink. Hyunjin didn't even remember getting into bed, and his stomach was already growling again. He sucked in a breath and tried to fortify himself for yet another day. It was a better start than most, he quickly paid his rent and had some money left over which meant he would be able to get some groceries and stop for breakfast. For once, his rage towards Felix wasn't the first thing on his mind. 

The day went so smoothly, he completely forgot to scheme against his enemy. The coffee he had this morning was doing wonders for his attitude, it seemed. 

After finishing up with teaching classes, he bonded up to the practice room with a rare smile. As if the day couldn't get any better, the whole class was in attendance, including Felix. They would actually get to start on time today. 

"Come on, you can't take off for just a few hours?" Felix pouted to one of the others members. "Everyone else is busy too, I don't want to go alone"

"Sorry Felix," He said, offering an apologetic smile. Felix sighed dramatically and glanced at Hyunjin, before quickly looking away. Hyunjin watched as the gears turned in his mind, before Felix uneasily walked up. 

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Felix asked with cation. It looked like Hyunjin was in a better mood today wich meant maybe there was a possibility

Hyunjin observed his expression for a moment, almost amused by how nervous he looked. All plans to get his revenge were thrown out the window. He was intrigued by this, and he still really wanted to see Swan Lake. 

"Nothing," He responded. 

Felix bit his lip. "Would you maybe want to go see swan lake?" 

"I don't see why not" Hyunjin replied, tying his hair up. There was a new mission now. Revenge was a plate best served cold, made specifically for your target. How could he win this war if he knew nothing about his weaknesses? Swan Lake was perfect opportunity to gather intel on Felix. Plus, Hyunjin was really, really, excited to see Swan Lake.  

"Great!" Felix's smile was a mix of confusion and relief. "I'll give you the tickets after class"

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