Secrets Of The Universe

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"I..." Hyunjin started, losing his train of thought as he looked at Felix's beautifully distressed expression. "Can I tell you something?"

Felix swallowed hard, doing his best not to let his fantasies get his hopes up. "Of course"

"Last night," Hyunjin started, and Felix felt his whole freeze up like he was in a life or death situation. He forced himself to breathe as he awaited Hyunjin's scolding. To his complete shock, it was the exact opposite of what he was expecting. "I really wanted to kiss you"

Felix sucked in a breath of air, chancing a glance at Hyunjin's eyes that were scanning his expression with enchanting intensity. The only word Felix could use to describe what he thought Hyunjin was feeling by the look on his face was hunger. He wrung his hands together to distract himself from the weight of his gaze. 

"You aren't just saying that to make me feel better?" Felix asked. It had been bugging him ever since he threw caution to the wind and nearly destroyed the only friendship that felt genuine. He would never forgive himself if he pressured Hyunjin into confessing something he didn't mean. "Please, just tell me. I can take it, I swear-"

Hyunjin lifted Felix's chin, leaning in closer, staring at his eyes like they held all the secrets of the universe, the endless pools of brown that sparkled with anxious desire. Hyunjin leaned in closer to kiss him, watching for a moment as Felix's eyes fluttered shut with cautious trust. He tasted just like he had dreamed. Like warm tea on a lazy sunday mixed with honey and sunsets. Hunjin smiled into the kiss, nearly laughing at the absurdity of his thoughts. 

He should have been focused on what a bad idea this is, on the consequences it would have or even how embarrassing it was to be making out in a public bookstore. However, Hyunjin didn't have the ability so consider anything other than how complete he felt with his lips slotted against Felix's. 

Felix reached up with shaking hands to pull Hyunjin's waist closer to him as leaned into the kiss more. Following his lead, Hyunjin brought the hand that wasn't holding Felix's chin up to the wall beside his head, pressing his body into Felix's. Every possible centimeter they could touch of each other was taken in moments with passion that rattled both of them. 

Hyunjin broke away first, hovering closer enough to Felix's lips that they were sharing the same oxygen. "Does that answer your question?"

Felix laughed with that deep voice that Hyunjin couldn't resist, and hid his face in Hyunjin's chest as his cheeks started to glow pink. Hyunjin thought he looked best like that, with both freckles and a blush adorning his face. For a few silent moments Hyunjin ran his hands through Felix's hair while he waited for him to recover. His own heart was beating rapidly like he was alive for very first time. 

Eventually, Felix released his waist and stared up at Hyunjin. It shattered Hyunjin's heart that it couldn't always be like this, at least, not as long as Felix was still engaged. 

"I thought you hated me," Felix was smiling so widely and Hyunjin wanted to kiss him again and again. 

Hyunjin tucked  piece of Felix's hair behind his ear. "I don't think I could physically bring myself to"

The question they both wanted to ask hang wordlessly between them. What happens now? There was still the issue of Amber, but she was the last thing either of them wanted to talk about. 

Luckily, Hyunjin didn't have to because his phone rang. He reluctantly retracted his hand from Felix's and answered with an apologetic smile. If it were anybody else, he would've ignored it. But this was dance, his lifeline. 

"Hwang," His old boss from the dance studio greeted coldly. "Are you done with this ridiculous strike? The competition is coming up and you guys need to practice if we want a chance at winning."

"Yeah, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a strike," Hyunjin said in a hushed tone, gesturing for Felix to follow him out of the bookstore. Felix hasilty placed The Gift of Everything back on the shelf and trailed Hyunjin out onto the street. 

He heard an exasperated sigh on the other side of the line. "I don't think you're grasping how much money is on the line. Even being a runner-up would be a massive help to the studio!"

"I'm not going to funnel money into your pockets after you cut my hours," Hyunjin raised his voice once they were out of the bookstore. He rolled his eyes in Felix's direction as if to ask, can you believe this?

Felix returned with a shrug.

"Fine! Whatever, you can have your job back." 

"No," Hyunjin continued. "Everyone is getting their full time positions back with job security, that is non-negotiable. I won't be making any agreements until we get something in writing because you have proved to me and the rest of your employees that your word is worthless. You'll be lucky to recover about half of the people you had before because your disregard for our importance in running the studio"

Felix stared at him in awe. Just moments before he was so soft while confessing that he couldn't physically hate Felix. Now he was telling off his former boss and making demands for not only himself but the whole dance group. He was impressed to say the least, but even more so he was shocked. He knew that dancing was incredibly important to Hyunjin but he didn't think he would put so much emphasis on saving the rest of the team. He supposed he should've expected Hyunjin to. It was just that in the world of business, Felix didn't such selflessness.

Hyunjin knew that including the rest of the team in his negotiations drastically decreased his chance of success, yet he still did it with no hesitation. 

There was a long pause before the man replied again. "We'll talk about it. Tomorrow, come in at your usual time." 

"Sure," Hyunjin responded before hanging up, instantly breaking into a wide smile. 

"Good news?" Felix asked as if he hadn't been listening the entire time. 

He got his answer as Hyunjin engulfed in a hug and make a sound that was something like a squeal. "Nothing is for sure yet, but I'm meeting with him tomorrow!"

Felix returned the hug. "That's great!"

Hyunjin broke away, suddenly embarrassed about his outbreak of joy. "Yeah, we might be able to practice in time for the competition after all. Although, if we want a chance we'll probably have to enter into more categories. The solos and group performances might not win, but if added in some duets we'd- oh, I'm getting ahead of myself,"

Felix laughed as they continued to walk down the street, they're hands brushing every so often as they walked. "No, go on. I like when you talk about the things you're passionate about,"

"Careful," Hyunjin warned as a warm grew in his chest. "I might just have to kiss you again if you keep talking like that." 

Please do. 

Felix scrunched up his nose and listened as Hyunjin continued to tell him about his plans for how to win the upcoming competition. He wanted nothing more than to ask Hyunjin to kiss him until he forgot how to do anything else, now wasn't the time to start getting clingy. They were on a tightrope and one wrong move could drive them apart. So instead, they walked and discussed the dance studio, books, and a little bit of everything. 

Hyunjin mentioned that he and Minho loved the princess bride, and Felix promised to read it next.

"I really liked when you read me the poetry," Felix said, keeping his eyes glued to the sidewalk. 

"We'll have to do it again sometime," Hyunjin replied, his heart skipping a beat. 

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