★ Chapter Five ★

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"Psst.. Don't you think Lady (Y/n) has been in a foul mood this past couple of days?" whisper one of the woman villagers.

"Yeah, the crops are taking longer to grow than usual... and the animals seem to be hostile lately" sighed another woman villager, her eyes drifting to a recent memory "Just yesterday my lil' Jool got attack by a pack of wild birds when he went to go feed the chickens,"

"Poor Lady (Y/n), she needs a break from that library. Maybe she's too overworked," uttered another villager.

"Perhaps, we should ask Visel. He always knows what's going on" suggested another villager.


Meanwhile, Visel was scrambling to ensure that the island remained safe and operational. He was working feverishly to make sure the crops, animals and sea levels were stable, but without success. He knew something was wrong - you had been in a bad mood ever since you came back from that party a few days ago. And with each passing minute your mood got worse until your godly powers were causing further damage to the island's agriculture. Every second posed another danger as he desperately worked to contain it.

The menacing ocean waves were closing in and overtaking the island. Crops were wilting or becoming grotesquely overgrown, while animals fought each other viciously for space and food. The air was heavy and oppressive, with strong gusts of wind whipping around. It was a good thing that you weren't here - if you came too close, your mere presence could cause the whole island to plunge beneath the waves in an instant. It all painted a picture of impending danger and panic to Visel

"Please, Lady (Y/n)," panted Visel "there's only so much that your Ministry can do"

Visel was frantic, pleading desperately for you to come to your senses. His anxiety was palpable as his heart raced and a splitting headache threatened to overtake him.


Meanwhile, you were at the archives, looking around in a daze as you tried to make sense of it all. You paced between the shelves of books and archives, angry thoughts racing through your mind. This feeling of unease had been bubbling away inside ever since the party.(Y/n) took a deep breath and tried to keep her composure as she remembered what Zeus had said at the party. His words echoed in her mind like thunder, threatening to break through the fragile wall of calm she'd so carefully constructed.

As your mind wandered, the noise of the Archives door swinging open startled you, disrupting your thoughts. You should have locked it to have some privacy with your thoughts.

"Yo! Cake lady!"

Your eyes blink with shock at the sight of that familiar face. Buddha's trademark closed-eye grin lit up his face as he waved at you joyfully.

You can't help but to furrow your brows in thought as you remember that he wasn't even supposed to be here and the events of what occurred when he intruded last time. Your heart rate increases, the feeling of annoyance and tension coursing through your veins.

You take a shaky breath and greet him with a timid, "Hello..." That single moment felt like it had lasted an eternity, turning what was originally meant to be a reunion into an awkward encounter.

As he approached you, he took in a deep breath of the air, hoping to catch the aroma of a freshly baked sweet treat. Instead, all that greeted his nose was the stale scent of worn books and undisturbed dust. "What ya' cooking today? I don't smell anything,"


He strolled by you in the direction of the kitchen, pausing briefly to place an object atop your head, "Here you go."

𝕆𝕙 𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕤 ~ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕥Where stories live. Discover now