Hanging out

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Villain Base...

The Villains were all making new evil plan.

MrRollins2: So whatcha working on there Bay Ley.

Bay Ley: oh you know the usual, trying to get my Revenge on The Main Cast.

MrRollins2: oh yeah, been there done that. Let's see what you got.

Bay Ley: well, next time Dean's taking a shit, I plant a bomb in the toilet to kill him.

MrRollins2: .... I thought you of all people would've been smarter than that.


MrRollins2: I'm changing that doorbell.

He answers the door and sees R-Truth with a package.

R-Truth: Oh hello good sir, I have this nice box here, and a letter.

MrRollins2: this can't be good.

He Reads the letter.

MrRollins2: Take this anywhere else.

Truth: *Gasp* a nice box for me?! Is it Hanukkah already?!?

WWE House...

Dean Ambrose was coming home from TOTALLY legal activities when He Sees The Crew all hanging out.

Becky and Charlotte were Telling jokes to each other.

Seth and Sasha were making out like wild animals.

And Roman was In a Call with his family.

Roman: And That is why Forever and Always, you guys are my bitches. Understand?



Jimmy: Yes My tribal cheif.

Charlotte: Babe, Come here. Your Champagne is ready.

Roman: Thank you Charlotte. We deserve this vacation.

Dean: Vacation? You all live here.

Becky: DEANO!!

She immediately jumps on Dean and let's just say they have their own little paradise too.

Bayley on the other hand Can't hang out With Finn because He's doing some type of Family Reunion back in NJPW City.

So instead, Bayley invited another friend to Hang out. Liv Morgan.

Liv: So what do you do here in the WWE house?

Bayley: We usually just go on random adventures. 😊

Liv: Sounds Exciting.

Bayley: 😊 Thanks

Liv: So what do we do in this game?

Bayley: We roll the dice and try to get more money and properties.

Liv: Alrighty let's play.

Truth: (Outside) YOU GUYS!!!

He Jumps through the window and has the box in his hands.

Seth: could you at least use the door? And what is that?

Truth: .......... It's a envelope.

Seth: it's a box dummy. I meant what's IN it.

Truth: I have no idea. But anyway, I gotta go. Many more boxes to deliver, many places to see, farewell.

The launches himself at the door and phases through it.

Seth: I guess we open this thing?

Dean opens it and BAM!!!!

Three U.S. Presidents came out.

Donald "Rizz" Trump
Barrack Obama
And Sleepy Joe Biden.

Liv: Woah!

Sasha: What the hell?

Trump: Oh finally! It was Fucking tight in that box.

Biden: Oh come on Donald, I thought it was a little fun in there.

Trump: Shut the Fuck up Sleepy Joe! It was a miracle We could even breathe in there. Not that you could do much of that any longer.

Obama: Will you guys shut up and look around? There are people here.

Trump turns around and sees the Main Cast.

Trump: Who the hell are you guys?

Obama: Oh For Fuck sakes Trump. You literally OWNED Monday night raw once.

Trump: None of these chumps were there when I owned it Dumbass that's why I'm asking.

Biden: What's Monday night Bra?

Trump: Raw! It's Raw you Sleepy old fossil. And who are you?

Seth: Well, I'm Seth Rollins, the owner of this house. And What are You Three even doing here?

Biden: Well, it all started when uhhh...

Trump: Joe you Fucking Neanderthal. Let me say it. It all started when-

End of Chapter

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