Who convinced him?

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MrRollins2: No.

Seth: Come on, you HAD to have told Shane to Run For President.

MrRollins2: For The 50th Fucking time, I did NOT tell Shane to run.

Bayley: And how can we believe you?

MrRollins2: If I really wanted this to happen, I would've signed MYSELF up for president. Fucking idiot.

Dean: Hey! We do not Violate the Sacred Code!

MrRollins2: Whatever, Just get off my property before I kill you.

They all leave.

Roman: Well, I guess that Was a bust.

Dean: Who else could've done it.

Bayley had a worried look on her face.


Shane was in his "office" Getting ready for His Presidency.

Shane: Alrighty Boys, I want My Jersey American-Like for the Debate.

Knock Knock

Shane gets up and answers the door, The man who knocked Was Obama.

Shane: Ahh Former President Obama, Good to see you. May I ask why you've arrived.

Obama: Yes you may and I'm just here to see How you are doing on your campaign?

Shane: oh I'm doing pretty well so far. so, wanna talk business?


Trump: when I am elected president again, We are not going to Share the moon with any other planets  anymore. I will have people build a wall around it and if any other planets want to see it, They'll have to pay a LOT.


Roman: did you steal the rest of Dean's Brain?

Biden: I need some Help with my campaign.

Trump: of course you do. I can help.

Becky: this isn't gonna end well.


Shane: Thank you. See you at the debate.

Once Obama leaves.

Shane: He's gone.

???: great. I'll keep helping out with your campaign. The sooner Biden's not president, the better.

Shane: Yes Ma'am.

Trump: End of Chapter. Go follow MrAmbrose1 and his friends or I will build a wall around your house as well. Thanks.

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